How to Handle Archives - Redtail Technology Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:02:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Handle Archives - Redtail Technology 32 32 Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Employee Departure Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:02:48 +0000 Redtail provides you with best practices in terms of updates you need to make in your CRM when one of your employees leaves your firm.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Employee Departure appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s Training Team puts together these “How to Handle” posts in order to make you aware of some of the ways you might use Redtail CRM to assist with processes, events, etc., that are likely to come up for most offices at some point.

This one will focus on best practices in Redtail CRM in terms of dealing with employee departure. For each step in the directions, we’ll provide relevant links from our helpdesk as well as images or gifs in some cases to give you a better idea of what the process looks like within Redtail.


When an employee leaves your firm, you’ll need to take the necessary steps to remove their access to your CRM and to reassign their responsibilities to make sure nothing is missed.


1. To remove access from an ex-employee, change the password and email associated with the Redtail user account.

How do I change my Redtail CRM password?
Navigation, Users & Teams Video

remove access

2. Reassign or delete activities in bulk from the Today page.

How do I reassign Activities from one database user to another?
Redtail Essentials: Activities Video

reassign activities

3. Remove or replace the departed employee from any teams they were on.

Manage Your Account: Manage Database Users & Teams
Navigation, Users & Teams Video

remove from teams

4. Re-assign open workflow tasks to other users.

Workflow Task Report

reassign tasks

5. Re-assign tasks in workflow templates to other users.

How do I set up Workflow Processes in Redtail?
Workflow Video Series

Re-assign tasks in workflow templates

6. Once you feel comfortable that a full transition has taken place, fully disable the user.

How do I terminate an employee’s access to my database?
Navigation, Users & Teams Video

disable the user
7. Update the Team Notices with any notifications or messages to the office regarding the employee’s departure.

Today — Team Notices
Redtail Essentials: Manage Your Account Video

jet has retired

8. Use a Note Template to record the employee’s exit interview.

Manage Your Account: Note Templates
Sample Note Templates
Redtail Essentials: Manage Your Account Video

note template exit interview

9. Create a Workflow to ensure consistency in this process in the future.

Workflow Video Series

departing employee workflow


Restricting a former employee’s access is a safeguard against any potential issues they may create after their termination. Although it is rare, a disgruntled employee may attempt to retaliate on your office when allowed continuous access to your CRM. While it may be tempting to fully disable the user immediately, we recommend keeping the user active for a short period to ensure a smooth transition of activities and workflow tasks.


Download a PDF version of these instructions below.

As always, if you have any questions you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Employee Departure appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Client Death Thu, 26 May 2022 11:25:55 +0000 Redtail provides you with best practices in terms of updates you need to make in your CRM when one of your clients passes away.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Client Death appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s Training Team puts together these “How to Handle” posts in order to make you aware of some of the ways you might use Redtail CRM to assist with processes, events, etc., that are likely to come up for most offices at some point.

This one will focus on best practices in Redtail CRM in terms of dealing with a client’s death. For each step in the directions, we’ll provide relevant links from our helpdesk as well as images or gifs in some cases to give you a better idea of what the process looks like within Redtail.


It is important to have processes in place so that when a client passes your office takes immediate action to reflect the client’s death within Redtail CRM. Upon receiving news that someone has passed, Redtail has some general recommendations for developing your own client death procedures.


1. Create a Contact Status of “Deceased” in your database.

Database Lists
Database Lists and the Contact Record Video

Create Status of Deceased

2. When a client passes away, change their Status from whatever it currently is to “Deceased”.

Contact Details
Redtail Essentials: Contact Record Video

3. Fill out the “Date of Death” field on the client’s contact record. This will ensure that the contact is removed from the birthday reminders and various reports within the database.

Contact Details
Redtail Essentials: Contact Record Video

update contact details

When you add a Date of Death for a contact, moving forward you’ll see a red banner at the top of the contact record to indicate they are deceased:

deceased contact notification banner
4. Update the spouse’s record to designate them as the new head of household (if applicable)

How Do I Change Family Heads
Redtail Essentials: Relationships

update head of household

5. Adjust the Family Name to reflect the new household arrangement (if applicable).

How Do I Change Family Heads
Redtail Essentials: Relationships

update family name

6. Remove the Client Review Date from the deceased client’s record. If the client’s spouse is an Active Client as well, add date to new head of household’s contact record.

Client Review
Client Reviews Reminder Report

remove client review date
7. Add a Note to the deceased contact’s record, indicating all changes. There are three options on how to handle these notes:

Redtail Essentials: Notes Video

A. Copy to another contact record.

Copy to another contact record.

B. Move to another contact record.

Move to another contact record.

C. Add a note to the deceased contact record with a hyperlink.

add note with hyperlink


* The method you choose is entirely up to you and your fellow database users. Copying the notes is the Redtail Trainer recommended method as it keeps the notes available on both contact records. If you prefer to keep everything on one centralized contact record, consider the move notes method. Lastly, if you find yourself needing to copy or move a high volume of notes, the hyperlink method saves lots of clicks and allows you to view those notes on an as-needed basis only.

8. Check open activities on the deceased contact record.

Contact Overview Activities
Activities by Contact Report

check open activities

9. Add a membership option for ‘Deceased Husband/Wife/Spouse’.

Membership Options
Redtail Essentials: Relationships

add a membership option

10. Remove the deceased from the family, and add memberships between the deceased and living relatives. This will allow for the relationship to be tracked without infringing on the tax definition of family.

Family Relationships
Redtail Essentials: Relationships Video

remove deceased from family add membership

11. Create a Workflow that breaks down the deceased client planning process step-by-step.

Workflow Video Series

Client Death Workflow12. Add an Automation that starts a workflow when a client’s status is changed to “Deceased”.

Redtail Essentials: Automations Video

client death automation


By updating the contact record with information about the client’s passing, you ensure that your office communications with family members will be sensitive to their loss.


Download a PDF version of these instructions below.

As always, if you have any questions you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Client Death appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . New Employees Thu, 11 Nov 2021 12:05:28 +0000 Redtail CRM provides you with tools to streamline onboarding of new employees and get them up-to-speed in their usage of your Redtail database.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . New Employees appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s Training Team puts together these “How to Handle” posts in order to make you aware of some of the ways you might use Redtail CRM to assist with processes, events, etc., that are likely to come up for most offices at some point.

This one will focus on how you can use Redtail CRM to assist with onboarding new employees and getting them up-to-speed in terms of their Redtail usage. For each step in the directions, we’ll provide relevant links from our helpdesk as well as images or gifs in some cases to give you a better idea of what the process looks like within Redtail.


Two of the keys to any successful business are building strong employees and fostering a great company culture. It all begins on day one. This is a guide to help your new employee get started in their new job as well as in the CRM they will be working within.


1. Add the new employee as a User to your Redtail database.

How can I add database users?
Database Lists and the Contact Record Video

add database users

2. Assign the new employee Redtail’s “Getting Started” video tutorials.

“Getting Started” video tutorials

getting started tutorials

3. Our helpdesk can teach your new employee how to use Redtail. Your style guide is what teaches them how to use it in your business. Take a few minutes to review the Style Guide with your new employee.

Style Guide

style guide

4. Update Team Notices to introduce the new employee to everyone in your database.

Team Notices
Redtail Essentials: Manage Your Account Video

team notices

5. Help the new employee set their preferred calendar start time and other preferences.

Redtail Essentials: Manage Your Account Video

set calendar preferences

6. Open a “New Employee Workflow” to begin handling the administrative tasks needed to get your employee on board. Check out the example that follows.

Workflow Video Series


new employee workflow

7. Teach your new employee how to manage contacts in Redtail CRM by having them add themselves a contact record. Challenge them to add their spouse and family (if applicable).

How do I add a new Contact Record?
Redtail Essentials: Contact Record Video

add contact record

8. Have them add their emergency contact information to the important information field.

Important Information
Redtail Essentials: Contact Record Video


update important info


The future success of your new employee starts with the foundation you lay for them today. You can even tailor your employee onboarding to the specific features in Redtail that they will be most commonly using. Is your employee going to be managing client events? Have them watch trainings on Seminars. Will they be in a sales focused role? Have them review material on Opportunities.


Download a PDF version of these instructions below.

As always, if you have any questions you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . New Employees appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Prospecting Thu, 14 Oct 2021 18:00:42 +0000 Every growing business needs to foster new leads to thrive. By leveraging tools within Redtail CRM, you can make prospecting less strenuous and time consuming.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Prospecting appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s Training Team puts together these “How to Handle” posts in order to make you aware of some of the ways you might use Redtail CRM to assist with processes, events, etc., that are likely to come up for most offices at one point or another.

This one will focus on how you can use Redtail CRM to assist with your prospecting efforts. For each step in the directions, we’ll provide relevant links from our helpdesk as well as images or gifs in some cases to give you a better idea of what the process looks like within Redtail.


Every growing business needs to be fostering new leads to thrive. By leveraging the tools within your Redtail CRM, you can make prospecting less strenuous and time consuming.


1. Define your sales process. Who is a Lead vs. Prospect? Use Statuses and Categories to define where a contact is within your sales cycle. Add the new Statuses and Categories to your database.

Database Lists
Database Lists and the Contact Record Video

prospecting chart

manage database lists add contact status

2. Where do new business opportunities come from? (e.g., CPA Referrals, Retirement Planning Seminar, LinkedIn). Add these to the database Source list.

Database Lists
Database Lists and the Contact Record Video

manage database lists add contact source

3. Whiteboard with your team how prospects and leads should be reached out to. Create a workflow in Redtail with an ideal prospecting process. Check out the included example for a good starting point.

Workflow Video Series

prospecting workflow

4. Determine changes in the database that should initiate prospecting workflows. Add automations that link workflows based on contacts or activities being added, or contact status changing.

Redtail Essentials: Automations Video

prospecting automation

5. Open Opportunities based on prospects being qualified. Redtail recommends only opening an opportunity once there is an amount determined that the office will gain from the relationship.

Opportunity Tracker
Redtail Essentials: Opportunities Video

Add new opportunity

6. Report on opportunities and prospects.

Redtail Essentials: Reports Video

a. Opportunities by Stage Report

Opportunities by Stage Report
Redtail Essentials: Opportunities Video

opportunity reports

b. Workflow Task Report

 Workflow Task Report
Redtail Essentials: Workflows Video

workflow reports


Defined processes for prospecting gives your sales team guidelines and accountability when finding new clients for your business. Overestimate the amount of touches in your prospecting process. It is not unusual for five or more touches to be necessary before a client decides to sign on.


Download a PDF version of these instructions below.

As always, if you have any questions you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Prospecting appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Multiple Rep Codes Thu, 16 Sep 2021 11:15:50 +0000 Redtail CRM makes it easy to designate specific staff members or teams for the various interactions a client has with the firm.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Multiple Rep Codes appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s Training Team puts together these “How to Handle” posts in order to make you aware of some of the ways you might use Redtail CRM to assist with processes, events, etc., that are likely to come up for most offices at one point or another.

This one will focus on how you can use multiple rep codes within Redtail CRM to track client activities, etc. For each step in the directions, we’ll provide relevant links from our helpdesk as well as images or gifs in some cases to give you a better idea of what the process looks like within Redtail.


When an office has multiple advisors, it can be difficult for staff to identify who clients belong to. Whether there are junior and senior level advisors, or it’s a single advisor office, it is important to identify to whom clients belong. Designate specific staff members or teams for the various interactions a client has with your firm.


1. Create Servicing and Writing Advisors for all Advisors in the database.

How do I add new Servicing Advisors to my database?
Database Lists and the Contact Record Video

add servicing advisor

2. Add the appropriate Servicing or Writing Advisor to client contact records.

Change the Servicing Advisor for contact records in bulk
Redtail Essentials: Contact Record Video

add servicing advisor to contact

3. If there is more than a two-advisor split on contact records, add Keywords for each advisor instead of, or in addition to, Servicing/Writing Advisor.

Assign Keywords to your contacts in bulk
Redtail Essentials: Contact Record Video

assign keywords

4. Add a User Defined Field for “Rep Code” as a “list of values” type of UDF. Add the various rep codes as value choices within the UDF.

How do I add new User Defined Fields to my database?
Apply a User Defined Field and Value to your contact records in bulk
Redtail Essentials: Contact Record Video

5. Use the Advanced Search to find contacts that have the same Servicing Advisor, Writing Advisor, or Keyword of the advisor’s names.

Advanced Search in Redtail
Redtail Essentials: Advanced Search Video

advanced search

6. View clients with a specific rep code UDF through the Contact User Defined Fields Report.

Contact User Defined Fields Report
Redtail Essentials: Reports Video


By tracking rep codes, or the servicing vs. writing advisor, you can quickly identify the primary contact in an office for a specific client. This helps with the distribution of work within an office, and also gives visibility to additional features like permissions to all users in the database.


Download a PDF version of these instructions below.

As always, if you have any questions you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Multiple Rep Codes appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Client Loyalty Thu, 02 Sep 2021 12:34:45 +0000 You can keep clients longer by giving them reasons not to leave. Learn how to use Redtail CRM to reward client loyalty.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Client Loyalty appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s Training Team puts together these “How to Handle” posts in order to make you aware of some of the ways you might use Redtail CRM to assist with processes, events, etc., that are likely to come up for most offices at one point or another.

This one will focus on how you can use Redtail CRM to track and reward client loyalty. For each step in the directions, we’ll provide relevant links from our helpdesk as well as images or gifs to give you a better idea of what the process looks like within Redtail.


It’s often said the cost for attracting a new client is five times that of retaining an existing client. With this in mind, what is your office doing to reward client loyalty? By using the CRM to track these loyal clients, we can start rewarding them in a manner commensurate to the value they bring to our business.


1. Populate the ‘Client Since’ field, Marital Anniversary Date, and DOB for each of your Active Clients.

Contact Details
Redtail Essentials: Contact Record Video

update contact details2. Record client hobbies, interests, beliefs, or priorities in the ‘Personal Interests’.

Know Your Client: Personal Interests
How Do I Add New Personal Interests To My Database?

record personal interests

3. Use the Reminder reports to find Marital, Birthday, or Client Since milestones.

a. Marital Anniversaries:

Wedding Anniversaries Reminder Report

wedding anniversary reminders report

b. Birthdays:

Birthday Reminders Report

birthday reminders report

c. Client Anniversaries:

Client-Since Anniversaries Report

Client Since Anniversaries Report

4. Create and upload Mail Merge templates for Birthday cards, Anniversary Cards, Client Anniversary cards, etc.:

How Do I Create And Upload A Mail Merge Template For Use With Redtail?
Redtail Essentials: Mail Merge Video
Mail Merge Fields
Sample Mail Merge Letter Templates

5. Send cards to contacts celebrating anniversaries.

How Do I Create Mailing Labels Or Envelopes In Redtail?
How Do I Run Mail Merges In Redtail?
Redtail Essentials: Mail Merge Video

6. Record the gift, event, and date sent as a note in the contact record.

Redtail Essentials: Notes Video


*BONUS: Here are some recommended occasions and ways to show client appreciation:

Bonus appreciation effortsResult:

People spend time and money on what is important to them. By acknowledging important milestones in clients’ lives, they will feel appreciated and valued—which leads to referrals!

Download a PDF version of these instructions below.

As always, if you have any questions you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Client Loyalty appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . RMDs Mon, 23 Aug 2021 15:49:27 +0000 By managing and tracking RMDs in Redtail CRM, you keep everything in one secure location for your entire office to reference and utilize.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . RMDs appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s Training Team puts together these “How to Handle” posts in order to make you aware of some of the ways you might use Redtail CRM to assist with processes, events, etc., that are likely to come up for most offices at one point or another.

This one will focus on how you can use Redtail CRM to make the process of dealing with your clients’ RMDs more streamlined. For each step in the directions, we’ll provide relevant links from our helpdesk as well as images or gifs to give you a better idea of what the process looks like within Redtail.


Assisting with Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) is likely a service you provide to your clients each year. Redtail CRM has many tools available to easily identify clients who may need to take RMDs. Examples include clients over 72, those turning 72 this calendar year, and those who have inherited an IRA.


1. Create a Keyword in your database titled “Inherited IRA”.

Database Lists
Database Lists and the Contact Record Video

create a keyword

2. Create a User Defined Field “RMD Taken 20XX” with the text type of Yes or No, where XX is the year you wish to track RMDs (example: RMD Taken 2020).

How do I add new User Defined Fields to my database?
Database Lists
Database Lists and the Contact Record Video

create a udf

3. Assign this Keyword and User Defined Field throughout the database to contacts that may be eligible for an RMD.

a.Contacts who are over 72 or turning 72 in the current calendar year:

Set the initial value as “No”. This will be done at the beginning of each year and change to “YES” as RMDs are taken by the individual contacts.

Apply a User Defined Field and Value to your contact records in bulk
Redtail Essentials: Contact Record Video

clients over age 72

b. Contacts with Inherited IRAs:

Add the Keyword “Inherited IRA” to all clients who have a tax-qualified account and are not over the age of 72. Add this task to any workflow process where accounts are opened or moved under management

Set the initial value as “No”. This will be done at the beginning of each year and change to “YES” as RMDs are taken by the individual contacts.

Assign Keywords to your contacts in bulk
Redtail Essentials: Contact Record Video

clients with inherited iras

4. Run a comprehensive RMD report throughout the year to see who has completed/not completed the requirement.

Contact User Defined Fields Report
Redtail Essentials: Reports Video


5. The RMD reports within Redtail will look for all contacts that are 72 or turning 72 in the current calendar year. Use the Advanced Search to find contacts turning 72 in future calendar years.

Advanced Search in Redtail
Redtail Essentials: Advanced Search Video

Contacts by RMD Report


You probably already have a process in place for tracking RMDs such as a specialized software, spreadsheet or printed check off list. By managing and tracking RMDs in Redtail CRM, you keep everything in one secure location for your entire office to reference and utilize. Incorporate RMD tracking into your onboarding processes going forward to save yourself time doing database maintenance at the end of each year.

Download a PDF version of these instructions below that includes an example of an RMD process workflow you can set up for your database to use.

As always, if you have any questions you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . RMDs appeared first on Redtail Technology.
