broadcast email Archives - Redtail Technology Fri, 25 Mar 2022 12:56:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 broadcast email Archives - Redtail Technology 32 32 Manage your CRM: Manage Broadcast Emails and Email Templates Fri, 25 Mar 2022 12:56:41 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can customize Email Templates and Broadcast Emails.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Broadcast Emails and Email Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Broadcast Emails and Email Templates.

Within Redtail CRM, you have the option to bulk send the same email message to multiple contacts at one time, with those emails being sent individually rather than to groups or as CC or BCC emails. Within Redtail these are called Broadcast Emails.

In order to send Broadcast Emails from Redtail CRM, you must first set up your Email Preferences in order that these messages can be routed through your email host for successful delivery. You can see an earlier installment in this series for a walkthrough of setting up these preferences.

You should also be aware that you can establish Email Templates within Redtail CRM to save time on those communications where much of the information to be included in the email will be used again and again.

Here, we’ll first take a look at how you go about establishing your Email Templates. We’ll then turn to the process for sending  and managing Broadcast Emails.

Setting up your Email Templates

You can set up Email Templates within Redtail, allowing you to type up an Email once and then use it as a time-saving starting point going forward for individual or broadcast emails.

To begin setting up an Email Template, select Manage Your Account after clicking your Name from the Top Right Menu within Redtail:

manage your account

Then, click “Email Templates” in the Manage Templates area:

select email templates

You’ll then see existing Email Templates in your database (if any):

available email templates

Click “New” and you’ll arrive at the modal where you can begin setting up your Template:

compose email template

  • Name – whatever you enter here will serve as the name of the email template. This will not be visible to your recipients, but when selecting between templates, their Names are what you will see, so make them
    descriptive enough to make this choice clear.
  • Subject – this will serve as the subject line of the email, and as such it is a field that you should take your time with in hopes of improving the open rate for your emails.
  • Category – choose from one of your CRM’s system or custom Categories, if you’d like to categorize your Email Templates. Note: there is a “filter” option above your Templates that will allow you to filter which
    Email Templates you are viewing by Category, should you desire.
  • Body – this is where you type the body of your email message. You have a formatting bar above the Body that allows you to insert Images or tables and use a number of other formatting options.
  • Add User Signature When Sending – if you check off this option for your template, your signature will automatically pull from whatever you’ve set up for your signature within your Site Preferences.
  • Save Copy as Note – if you check off this option for your template, a copy of the email will be saved as a Note on the record of all recipients to whom the email is delivered.
  • Send User a Copy – if you check off this option for your template, you will receive a copy of the email each time you use it.

Also, you have the ability to personalize your Broadcast Email Templates through the use of acceptable Email Merge Fields in the Body of your email.  Below is a list of those acceptable fields:


As an example, if you wanted your email template to begin with “Dear” as a salutation followed by the first and last name of your contacts, you would enter the following above the rest of the body of your message:

Dear ##Firstname## ##Lastname##,

Then, all of your emails using this template would be addressed to each client using their First and Last Names.

Once you’ve made your entries here, you can click Save Email Template at the bottom and you’re ready to begin using the template.

Let’s go back to your Email Templates screen and look at available actions from that page:

email template actions

As you can see above, if you click the Actions icon for an Email Template on this page, you can Edit or Delete the template. If you choose the Edit option, you’ll see the same modal that you saw above when adding a new one – of course, it will already be completed. You’ll just need to make any necessary changes and save the template to complete those edits.

Sending Broadcast Emails

Let’s now take a look at how you go about sending out a Broadcast Email (accessible from the Contact Options —> Bulk Actions menu on the Advanced Search  page in Redtail CRM after running your search, or sending QuickLists, Tag Groups, or other contacts to your Advanced Search page):

Advanced Search Contact Options


After you have selected the group of Contacts you want to include in your Broadcast Email from the Advanced Search page, you can then click the Broadcast Email option that appears after clicking Bulk Actions, as indicated above:

select broadcast email

This will open a Compose Broadcast Email dialog for you to begin composing your message:

broadcast email modal

1.  Select a Template – this allows you to select an Email Template from your database to use for the Broadcast Email. We covered how to set these templates up above.

2.  From – The From field is the email address that will be displayed to the recipients of your Broadcast Email. You can set this up under Manage Your Account —> Change Site Preferences in the Email
Options section in the SMTP Username field.  Details are here.

3.  To – The To field indicates how many records you selected on the Advanced Search page to include in your Broadcast Email.

4.  Subject – Whatever you type in the Subject line will show up as the Subject of the Broadcast Email for your recipients.

5.  Attachments — you can click Choose Files to then browse your computer or network for files to attach to your Broadcast Email:

Please Note
: Files must be 3MB or smaller to attach to Broadcast Emails. Also, you can attach more than one file but they must be stored in the same location on your computer so that you can attach them at the same time. Otherwise, when you browse to find/attach an attachment stored elsewhere, it will replace those you’ve already attached.

6.  Body– The Body area of your Broadcast Email is where you can create the message you would like to send:

site preference signature

Note that above the text box for entering your message you are provided with some common formatting tools.  You can use these tools to format any of the text you enter into your Message Body.

Additionally, you have the ability to create a standard signature to use in all Broadcast Emails under Manage Your Account –> Change Site Preferences –> Email Options in the Email Signature field.  Once you have set up an Email Signature there, it will automatically populate your Broadcast Emails.  Details are here.

Also, you have the ability to personalize your Broadcast Emails through the use of acceptable Email Merge Fields.  Those fields were covered above in the section on setting up your Email Templates.

As a last note about composing the body of your Message, you can insert images into your Broadcast Emails, as long as the image is available on the web somewhere which will allow you to link to it.  To include an image:

  • Prepare the rest of your message in the Broadcast Email window.
  • Locate the image on the web, wherever you have it stored.  Right-click on the image and select the option that allows you to copy the URL for the image itself.  Depending upon where the image is, this might be accessible by selecting Properties after right-clicking.  Once you’ve located the URL for the image, copy that URL.
  • Then, within your Broadcast Email, click the Insert Image button in the toolbar:insert imageThis will open up an Insert Image modal, where you can then copy the URL for the image you want to include:add image URL
  • Enter the URL for the image in the highlighted area above – you should then see a preview of it in the Preview area above. Then click the OK button.

7.  Send Broadcast Email – Note that there are two selection boxes and three buttons here: Save Copy as Note, Send Me A Copy, CancelSend Broadcast Email and Send Test Broadcast Email:

broadcast email send options
If you select Save Copy as Note, your Broadcast Email will be saved to each contact record to whom it is sent as a Note.

If you select Send Me A Copy, you’ll also receive the Broadcast Email.

If you click Cancel, you will be returned to your Advanced Search results and no Broadcast Email will be sent.

If you click Send Broadcast Email, your email will be sent to all recipients on the list that have an Email  address marked “Primary” within their record.

If you click Send Test Broadcast Email, a copy of the Broadcast Email will be sent to your email address w/o sending to everyone else on this list. This is always a good idea as it allows you to proof the final look of
your Broadcast Email prior to sending it to everyone on your list. Note: you won’t lose your work if you send yourself a test. You can carry on from this same place after doing so.

These are the basics of creating and sending Broadcast Emails within Redtail.

Managing Broadcast Emails

Now, let’s take a quick look at managing your Broadcast Emails within Redtail CRM. To access the area where you can do this, select Manage Your Account:

manage your account


Then, select Manage Broadcast Emails from the Email Management area:

manage broadcast emails


From there you can check the status of both pending and completed Broadcast Emails you have sent from your database. After clicking Manage Broadcast Emails, you’ll first see any pending Broadcast Emails (meaning those which have been queued for delivery, but have not yet completed – typically there won’t be any jobs here unless you are currently in the middle of sending a Broadcast Email):

broadcast email pending

In the above case, there is one Broadcast Email job pending. If you want to see Completed jobs, simply click the Completed tab next to the Queued tab, at which point you’ll see any Broadcast Emails sent over the past 30 days.

What you’ll see for both Pending and Completed jobs are eight columns:

  • Sent On — displays the date and time the Broadcast Email was sent.
  • Subject — displays the Subject Line of the Broadcast Email.
  • Processed — displays the number of emails that have been processed in the job to that point.
  • Succeeded — displays the number of emails that were successfully delivered.
  • Failed — displays the number of recipients whose Broadcast Emails were not delivered successfully.
  • Total — displays the number of all intended recipients (Succeeded number plus Failed number).
  • Status — displays the status of the job, followed by the Processed Count number over the Total Count number).
  • Updated At — displays the date and time of last update for the job. On the Completed page, it will likely be the same as the Date Sent column, though it may not always be the same for larger jobs.

The Actions Menu to the left of each Queued Broadcast Email provides you with an option to view details for the email or Cancel the email:

queued BE options


The Actions Menu to the left of each Completed Broadcast Email provides you with an option to view details for the email, retry a send if the previous attempt failed, or delete the email:

broadcast email history action options

If you click the Details option for one of your completed emails, below is an example of what you might see:

be details

First, you’ll see the Subject and Body of the email itself. To the right of that, you’ll see:

  • Processed Contacts – in the example above, that number is 0. If any of the emails had been successfully sent, you’d see that number here, with those contacts listed below (as they are in the Failed Contacts section beneath). Clicking the “search” button next to Processed Contacts would send any contacts from the Processed Contacts to your Advanced Search page.
  • Failed Contacts – in the example above, that number is 10. You can send those contacts to your Advanced Search page by clicking the “search” button next to Failed Contacts. Clicking a contact’s name in either of these two areas will take you to their Overview page. Hovering over the red information icon in the Failed Contacts area will display a tooltip as to why the email failed to send to them (most likely they don’t have an email address marked “Primary” on their contact record, which is the email address Broadcast Emails send to).


In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Managing Activity Templates in Redtail CRM.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Broadcast Emails and Email Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: How to customize your Email preferences Thu, 21 Oct 2021 14:20:07 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM, including Email preferences to establish your signature, photo, etc., for internal and Broadcast emails.

The post Manage your CRM: How to customize your Email preferences appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

The CRM preferences we’ll consider in this post fall under the category of “Email Options”. Note: these options are user-specific, and will take effect in your database only under your login credentials.

Email preferences

Your Email preferences can be accessed and updated from your Preferences page:

accessing email preferences

The preferences you set for your Emails control whether or not you use Redtail CRM’s internal mail client when clicking a contact’s email address or you use an external client (Outlook, Mac Mail, etc.), as well as allowing you to set up your email signature for emails using the internal client (or Broadcast Emails) and to provide your email settings. Let’s take a look at those Email preference options:

email preference options

We’ve already completed the Email preferences in the example above. Let’s break down below what each of these are for:

Email Client: You can indicate here whether you would like to use Redtail’s internal email client when clicking on a client’s email address from within Redtail or if you’d prefer to use your external email client (e.g., Outlook, Mac Mail, etc.). Selecting “use internal” will open a message editor inside of Redtail CRM when clicking an email address on a contact record. Selecting “use external” will launch the default email application on your computer to send the message. Note: Broadcast Emails are always sent using Redtail’s internal email client, so you will need to either enter your SMTP settings for you email account below or link your email to Office 365 via modern authentication (regardless of whether or not you choose to use your external email client here) if you intend to use the Broadcast Email functionality within Redtail.

Link email to Office modern auth?: The “authorize” button here is for Office 365 users whose organizations have enabled Modern Authentication. If this describes your situation, you can click this button, at which point you’ll be prompted to sign in to your 365 account. You’ll then see a popup message asking if you want to let this app access your info. You can click “Yes”, and at that point you should see that all the SMTP preferences beneath your Email Signature box go away (as they would no longer apply in your case).

Email Display Name: The Email Display Name is only relevant if you are using our internal email client (or Broadcast Emails), in which case this will control the display name in the From field of your emails. In most cases you would just enter your first and last name here.

Email Signature: Your Email Signature controls how your signature appears if you are using our internal email client. A formatting toolbar is available above the box where you type in your signature. Your email signature can include up to 7,900 characters (including spaces). Your signature can also include an image.

SMTP Fields (5): The last five fields will vary, depending upon where your email is hosted. If you are uncertain as to the settings you should use for any of these, you can contact the company that hosts your email to provide. If you use Outlook, Mac Mail or another email client, you should also be able to find this information within the account settings for your email account.

If Redtail hosts your email, you would fill these fields out as in the example below:

smtp settings

The only items in this section you would need to complete differently than what is outlined above are your SMTP Username and your SMTP Password.  Your SMTP Username would be your full email address and your SMTP Password is the password you use for that email account.

After entering all your information here, click save preferences in the top right corner of the Email Options box.

You would then be able to go to a Contact’s Overview and click on one of their email addresses from within their Contact Card, which would bring up a Compose Email Message window:

compose email message

Email sent from within the internal email client uses SMTP relay to send through your email host’s servers. This means mail will flow through your server normally so it will be scanned, archived, and journaled based on your server’s configuration. It does not sync with your active mailbox so you will not see it in your sent mail folder within your mailbox nor will any local mailbox level filters/rules run on that message.


In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Reports and Miscellaneous preferences.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: How to customize your Email preferences appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Your CRM as a Component of Crisis Management Tue, 12 May 2020 16:08:44 +0000 Crises present an opportunity for you to reveal your character through how you respond. Redtail CRM can be a valuable component of your crisis management response.

The post Your CRM as a Component of Crisis Management appeared first on Redtail Technology.


While crises like the one we’re currently living and working through may mean that advisors are feeling stretched thin as client inquiries ramp up due to widespread concerns, situations such as this also present an opportunity for you to reveal your character through how you respond to the crisis.

We hosted a webinar last week exploring some of the ways you might use Redtail CRM as a component of your crisis management. You can view that video below. We also created a companion guide for that webinar, which you can access here.

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Your CRM as a Component of Crisis Management appeared first on Redtail Technology.
