client relationships Archives - Redtail Technology Mon, 05 Jun 2023 12:15:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 client relationships Archives - Redtail Technology 32 32 What the pandemic revealed to financial advisors about connecting with their future clients Thu, 08 Jul 2021 17:09:35 +0000 As we transition to a post-pandemic future, there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle with regard to the service and experience options our clients will expect moving forward.

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We know that the financial services industry is evolving rapidly. It was evolving, of course, pre-pandemic, as advisors struggled to adapt their businesses to the challenges of developing relationships with a younger generation set to be beneficiaries of the Great Wealth Transfer. But, as we slowly transition to what we hope will be a post-pandemic future, there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle with regard to the service and experience options millennials (and, really, everyone else) will expect moving forward. Your kids are going to expect it – and so are their grandparents.

In Redtail’s Working Remotely 2020 Survey we were happy to see nearly 86% of respondents were at least somewhat prepared to work from home in terms of their technology when the pandemic forced them to do so. The industry was already trending this way, and Redtail has always preached workplace mobility while developing solutions to support that, so, while those results weren’t exactly shocking to us, they did reinforce our belief that we had the ship pointed in the right direction.

Still, while technologies proved largely resilient in the face of pandemic-related challenges, our survey also revealed that processes remained largely unchanged as well. As we all know, Zoom usage skyrocketed, representing both a technological shift as well as a process shift in terms of client communication for some points of contact. But, who was being talked to and what was being talked about remained remarkably consistent with what was transpiring prior to COVID.

The pandemic confirmed our adaptability

While the past year created unforeseen challenges for so many, moving forward advisors should take advantage of the opportunity to incorporate what they have learned from their experiences and embrace this as a natural pivot point. There’s no denying that early on during the crisis it was largely about showing you could still provide service to your clients when limited to mostly virtual contact. Now though, as advisors have embraced the change elements that worked, it’s time to address other challenges that many offices have thus far avoided.

Much of what needs to change centers around who you are talking to and how. Many advisors have been slow to engage with younger generations who are fully comfortable using modern technologies for all types of interactions, both personal and professional. It’s essential that advisors take a hard look at their processes and their technologies to determine how they can best be a meaningful presence in younger clients’ lives.

Continuing to offer virtual meetings, at least if that’s what a particular prospect or client desires, is pretty much a no-brainer. We can’t be complacent though; seeking ways to improve upon virtual interactions so that clients continue to find value in them is a must.

Similarly, fully embracing texting as a method of communication where appropriate should be high on your radar if you haven’t already added that capability to your practice. Doing so will give you greater access to younger generations who treat texting as their primary form of communication; it will also open up more straightforward channels for communicating simple items like meeting confirmations with older clients, who have embraced texting at this point as well.

Data points breed communication opportunities

In our 2019 survey we learned from over 3,200 wealth management professional respondents that “less than 6% consider any client characteristics outside of age, income, gender, or education for the purpose of crafting tailored client content”. I cannot emphasize this enough: we are SO MUCH MORE than those four things as individuals.

Quite simply, it’s going to take more effort. Offices are used to saying “here’s what we’re doing, here’s where we’re invested”; but, knowing and caring about people on a deeper level is what’s going to lead to greater successes with millennials. As a millennial myself I can tell you part of what drives this is the desire to “be seen”. For advisors, getting to that level of knowledge that strengthens your relationships and allows you to communicate with younger generations in a way where they feel seen may mean changing up some of your processes in terms of both gathering and recording client data points.

My best advice on that front is to use your CRM to track every bit of info you learn about your clients and prospects, recognizing that people are often most passionate about the very things that are most personal to their lives. When you care about your clients, your CRM can augment your ability to express that in a lot of different ways. You can look over the information you’ve recorded prior to or during interactions with each client to refresh your memory about who they really are and reconnect with them on those things they are passionate about when organic opportunities to do so arise.

Connecting Today with the Future

In 1985’s Back to the Future, one of the more iconic scenes features Marty McFly (portrayed by Michael J. Fox) strapping on a Gibson ES-345 and tearing through Johnny B. Goode as he introduces a 1955 school dance crowd to rock ’n’ roll. Reacting to their confused stares at the conclusion of his performance, Marty says, “I guess you guys aren’t ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.”

Fun fact: the aforementioned model of Gibson didn’t actually exist until 1959. My point in bringing this up isn’t to condemn the filmmakers for the historical inaccuracy or to argue this mistake merits a franchise reboot to set the record straight: instead, I believe this bit of blockbuster trivia illustrates two key ideas to bear in mind when you are attempting to transform parts of your business in order to embrace the future. The first: sometimes you’re going to make mistakes. The second and more important idea: the future is always here before we know it and pretending otherwise won’t get us where we want to go. Or, as put another way in a popular Chinese proverb: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Rick Williamson

Posted by: Rick Williamson, Director of Training at Redtail Technology
About: Rick Williamson, better known as Ricky Redtail, is proud to celebrate his 10th year at Redtail, where his role of Director of Training allows him to lead, as well as oversee, all training and education resources, presentations, and content. With a background peppered with stints in film production, public speaking, and working at Walt Disney World, Rick has been able to make a significant impact at both Redtail and in the FinTech industry. His experience in numerous Marketing, Media, Training, and Presentation projects make him an exciting and entertaining voice in FinTech and Practice Management.

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10 reasons why Redtail CRM may be just the solution you’ve been looking for: Reason #9 Thu, 18 Mar 2021 11:16:59 +0000 You believe it’s important to use tech vendors who understand your challenges and opportunities and are staffed with employees equipped to help you meet those challenges and take advantage of those opportunities.

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Reason #9:

You believe it’s important to use tech vendors with strong, deep roots in the industry who clearly understand your challenges as well as your opportunities and are staffed with employees equipped to help you meet those challenges and take advantage of those opportunities.

Redtail CRM was initially developed as an in-house custom CRM for a financial management firm. Brian McLaughlin, Redtail CEO, was a software developer for that firm involved in the CRM project, and, along with his friend and Redtail COO Andy Hernandez who also worked at the firm, they recognized the potential for the CRM to be beneficial for many in the industry.

In 2003, Redtail CRM was made available for advisors outside of the firm and, beginning initially with 25 advisor offices on the platform, has grown to occupy the space we currently enjoy in the market.

While many factors have played into Redtail’s success as a trusted vendor in the industry, three that have proven particularly relevant in regard to our ability to help advisors meet their challenges and recognize and take advantage of their opportunities are our culture, our industry relationships, and our thoughtful leadership efforts.

Redtail culture results in raving fans

The tone for organizational culture typically comes from the top, and Redtail is no exception.

From the beginning it was important to both Brian and Andy that Redtail feel like an extended family for those who came to work with them. They recognized the hard work that lay ahead while also understanding that if a comfortable and rewarding work environment were established and maintained employees would take pride in and ownership of their work, resulting in happy Redtail subscribers who know the company has their best interests in mind.

In short, the culture established from within at Redtail drives employees to do their best work for those we serve in order that we might include you in our culture as well. We love serving the financial services community and are driven each day to understand your working lives better so that we might serve you better while also including you in the ‘Tailer community.

Redtail culture

As a reflection of this commitment to culture, we are frequently named to Best FinTechs to Work For lists.

Industry relationships

The strong, mutually respectful relationships Redtail has built with others in the fintech industry over the past 18 years have also proven beneficial for Redtail subscribers. From the outset, breadth and depth in regard to integration with others in the space has been a primary driver. You can read more about our integration efforts in Reason #7.

We’ve also forged these relationships through millions of miles of travel to industry conferences and events. Through the countless hours reflected in this travel, not only have we had the opportunity to stay abreast of what is happening in financial services and collaborate in innovative ways with fellow event attendees, but we’ve also formed meaningful friendships that further strengthen our resolve to work together to meet the needs of the advisor community.

Of course we meet and develop strong working relationships and friendships with advisors as well, both through conferences and industry events as well as through on-site trainings or our Redtail University events. Just as with your profession, we find relationship-building to be one of the most rewarding aspects of our careers. And, it’s through these advisor relationships we forge that some of the best ideas for updates to Redtail solutions arise and are implemented.

We are invested in learning your business more thoroughly in order that we might do our business in support of your needs better.

Thoughtful leadership built upon open dialogue

In order to build tech solutions that meet the needs of modern advisors, ongoing conversations of the type described above are required with other vendors, industry experts, and, of course, advisors like you. We are fortunate at Redtail to have a team comprised of so many individuals dedicated to sparking and/or participating in those conversations, whether it’s our CEO, members of our Sales Team while they are on the road at conferences, or a member of our team helping an advisor office work through an issue on a support call.

All of these conversations over the years have strengthened our ability to act in support of your needs and have, in turn, lead to Redtail having a number of voices that are respected in the industry for the insights they are able to provide on issues of concern to you. As a result, opportunities frequently arise for us to share some of these insights.

Just a few recent examples of some of those opportunities we’ve had to speak to a broader audience include:

• David Mehlhorn, Redtail’s Director of Sales, sharing three tips for customizing client communication at InvestmentNews, a topic inspired by results from our 2020  annual survey, which found that the pandemic had little to no effect on advisors’ top communication challenge

Redtail CEO Brian McLaughlin joining Orion’s Fuse Show podcast to discuss building a successful fintech partnership as well as a virtual panel discussion moderated by Joel Bruckenstein to help advisors understand the advantages of working with Best of Breed API systems. You can also read a recent piece from Brian at ThinkAdvisor on “4 Ways to Build Company Culture While Working Remotely“.

• Rick Williamson, Redtail’s Lead Trainer, delivering his Adapt to the Future session at Riskalyze’s Fearless Week 2020.

These are but a small sample of the types of engagements where we welcome the opportunity to participate and open up further dialogue with others in the industry. You’ll find many more at Redtail’s Blog.

In short, when dealing with Redtail, whether it be with a support team member or our CEO, you’ll find you’re speaking with someone interested in what you have to say and dedicated to assisting you with the success of your business.

Up next week, Reason #10: You don’t want to break the bank on your technology (or on support for your technology).

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We can’t wait to get to know you and your business better and to show you why Redtail is an industry leader committed to your success!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post 10 reasons why Redtail CRM may be just the solution you’ve been looking for: Reason #9 appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Robots, repetition, and relationship-building Wed, 17 Feb 2021 18:13:51 +0000 "See a need, fill a need"; Redtail CRM helps you track and anticipate client needs and stay top-of-mind.

The post Robots, repetition, and relationship-building appeared first on Redtail Technology.


See a Need Fill a Need - Blog Header

Repetition can be comforting

One notable quality of many forms of media produced specifically for children is the repetition of a phrase intended to firmly root an idea or lesson in the mind of the child. Since it’s common for kids to watch the same movies over and over again, or request that we read the same books to them night after night after night, I tend to think of these types of phrases as something similar to a security blanket, something that brings comfort in a world that is often anything but. Think “just keep swimming” from Finding Nemo or “hakuna matata” from The Lion King or “once upon a time” from, well, pretty much everything.

A movie from 2005 called Robots (that is not-so-memorable otherwise) has succeeded in establishing a permanent place in my memory strictly on the strength of one such phrase repeated several times: “See a need, fill a need.” Simple, yes, but also a pretty complex idea for a kids’ movie, if you ask me. I believe it’s stuck with me primarily because the people I most respect, love, and aspire to emulate are those who live this idea through their actions and words.

A little background . . .

My parents have many great qualities, including organizational skills, attention to detail, extremely strong work ethics, and persistence. Nonetheless, one ongoing struggle they have always been challenged with is how to successfully manage their finances. I’m frequently reminded of the irony that the industry I have ended up working in is geared toward helping those like my parents for whom money management is their Achilles heel.

When I was 14, I already had my Dad’s work ethic. And, at the time there was not very much food on the table. I began babysitting for a family that was much more comfortable financially than my own. But, this wasn’t normal babysitting. My mom always insisted that babysitting meant clearing out dishes in the sink, doing laundry, and generally picking up, as well as doing some light cleaning. So, babysitting became nannying, then housekeeping, housesitting, extreme house cleaning, and even teaching homeschooling curriculum, all by the time I was sixteen. I would even give my paper planner to my employer and she would call her friends to fill the open times in my schedule for every weekday in high school and weekends.

It took years and the perspective that comes with hindsight for me to understand that the woman who employed me saw a need and filled a need. Not only did she fill my calendar; she mentored me financially and personally. She also frequently sent me home with leftover meals and food they “weren’t going to eat or didn’t like.” I had blueberries for the first time, along with Brussel sprouts, avocados, and much more! Only recently have I realized that she purposefully brought home extra groceries to be able to send eggs, milk, and other staples we just couldn’t afford home with me. Out of everyone in this world, she is the angel in my life who saw what I needed and, without being asked, singlehandedly set my life straight by being exactly what I needed at the time. She was an invaluable resource in my life, not because she had to be, but because she chose to be.

Build relationships by being there

Identifying where there are deficits is a skill, one that is honed and improved on with practice. Are you working on developing this skill with your book of business? In your office, is there a directive to focus on client needs? A need can be anything the client requires assistance with that you have the power to help with.

The potential for meeting client needs can vary widely but might include such actions as reminding clients to re-up their insurance coverages yearly, reaching out prior to driver’s licenses expiration dates, or prioritizing “just because” points of contact for clients who seem to take comfort in those types of interactions, which is often the case for those who live alone.

One theme I see over and over again among advisory offices is that clients who are not consistently engaged with outside of client reviews are much more likely to either cancel services or to present surprises during the review, such as having moved months prior without notifying the advisor. Staying on the client’s radar is imperative for a successful advisor-client relationship, particularly for those clients who’ve made it clear they need those extra “touches”.

When you’re fulfilling these types of needs, you’re also solidifying a firm presence at the forefront of your client’s mind. They’ve enlisted your aid because they either don’t have the time or they don’t have the ability to manage their finances on their own; when you anticipate their needs and fill them, some of the magic of the proverbial security blanket will hopefully rub off on you and allow you to offer a measure of comfort to your clients. Wouldn’t you rather hold that place of honor in your clients’ minds than cede it to something like a silly movie from 2005 about robots?

Trainer Hayley Mandrup

Posted by: Hayley Mandrup, Subject Matter Expert at Redtail Technology
About: Hayley Mandrup, aka the Empress of Efficiency, first joined the Redtail Customer Support team in 2013. She is passionate about organization and time management – always looking for ways to streamline internal processes and better the customers’ experience. Hayley also has continued her education and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Her degree program mainly focused on office procedures and motivational tactics for improving employee performances.

The post Robots, repetition, and relationship-building appeared first on Redtail Technology.

10 reasons why Redtail CRM may be just the solution you’ve been looking for: Reason #1 Thu, 21 Jan 2021 16:28:14 +0000 CRM implementation can be time-consuming – you only want to spend the time and effort required to implement a CRM system on one with a proven track record of advisor success.

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Reason 1 - Proven Track Record

Reason #1:

CRM implementation can be time-consuming – you only want to spend the time and effort required to implement a CRM system on one with a proven track record of advisor success.

Nearly 18 years offering advisor-specific, cloud-based solutions

Redtail has a long-established track record as a cloud-based solution tailored specifically for the advisory community, with a history of rapid response to a changing industry as well as outside events. We were, in fact, the first web-based CRM solution built solely for advisors, and advisors have remained our sole focus since our founding in 2003.

Success at anything will always come down to this: focus and effort. And we control both. ~Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Keeping our attention on the financial services industry alone allows us to map out our ongoing platform updates with a laser focus toward which updates will actually support what advisors and their staff members are looking to do with our solutions. Our updates occur on a two-week cycle, meaning there is likely to be something new or updated within Redtail’s solutions on a regular basis that makes your working life easier or better. Contrast that with CRMs not tailored for advisors, or with in-house solutions; in the first case, not every change will work to your benefit. In the second, your in-house team may not have the capacity to commit to the rapid development cycle that Redtail can.

Recent examples of Redtail CRM updates that we’ve incorporated quickly as a response to regulatory requirements on the advisory community would be new data fields, bulk actions, and reporting capabilities centered on helping advisors deal with Reg BI.

You should also know that since Redtail is cloud-based you will have the most up-to-date version of Redtail CRM each and every time you log into your database. No software updates are ever required on your end, as those updates are handled on our end of things.

A history of helping advisors manage clients during periods of crisis

Another important consideration to point out about cloud-based solutions such as Redtail is that you’ll have anywhere/anytime access to all of your client data, regardless of what is going on in the outside world. This has, of course, been hugely beneficial to Redtail subscribers during the COVID-19 pandemic, when most offices around the country transitioned to work-from-home situations for extended periods of time.

Advisors have recognized the value of our cloud-based solutions during earlier crises as well, such as Superstorm Sandy during the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season. Many offices in the path of that storm who were still using file cabinets and paper files were dealt a major setback, having to slowly peel wet documents off of one another in an attempt to preserve their client files. This wasn’t an issue for Redtail Imaging users whose files were stored using Redtail’s electronic document storage solution.

When you can’t change the direction of the wind – adjust your sails. ~H. Jackson Brown Jr.

It isn’t too much of a stretch to say that with Redtail solutions in place you could lose the contents of your office to a natural disaster and hardly skip a beat, at least in terms of your ability to access your client information and service their needs. These ongoing capabilities during times of crisis are even more important when you consider your clients too may have been affected by the same issue and will be most in need of your services and advice.

The long and short of it is that if you are tied to a physical location and file cabinets you simply cannot operate as nimbly as those offices using cloud-based solutions to meet their business needs. In both a rapidly changing regulatory environment and a world where work-from-home is likely to become more commonplace, choosing a proven CRM solutions provider that is specifically geared toward helping you address each of those challenges should be near the top of your list of items to check off when making your CRM selection.

Up next week, Reason #2: You want a flexible solution that both grows with you and that you can grow into.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We can’t wait to get to know you and your business better and to show you why Redtail is an industry leader committed to your success!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post 10 reasons why Redtail CRM may be just the solution you’ve been looking for: Reason #1 appeared first on Redtail Technology.

10 reasons why Redtail CRM may be just the solution you’ve been looking for: an introduction Thu, 14 Jan 2021 14:11:56 +0000 If you are considering Redtail CRM as a solution for managing your client relationships and processes, this series is geared toward helping you make an informed decision.

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If you are considering Redtail CRM as a solution for managing your client relationships, it’s likely your practice falls into one of two categories:

1. You’ve never used CRM before but your growing practice necessitates that you find a better way of staying on top of your processes and all things client-related.

2. You’ve used other CRMs over the years but you’ve never quite found one that hits the sweet spot in regard to features, integrations, flexibility, support, ease-of-use, pricing, etc.

In either case, you need to know and to be able to communicate clearly to your team why you are choosing Redtail CRM in order to get them on board and to begin navigating any adoption hurdles that might arise prior to jumping in.

We’re here to help you facilitate team buy-in so that your staff will:

  • understand the importance of CRM to client experience.
  • understand your expectations about how it will be used within your office to manage and maintain processes and data.
  • recognize the opportunities it presents to streamline operations and foster business growth.

Whether you are looking to strengthen your client relationships, improve your team’s collaboration efforts and overall efficiency, increase your revenues and profitability, decrease client attrition, or engage in any number of other business-building activities, Redtail CRM offers tools to assist with your efforts.

You’ll also be happy to know that Redtail integrates widely and deeply with other popular tools in the financial services industry, which helps to eliminate redundant data entry and create consistency across the platforms you use in your daily operations.

Redtail support people on the phonesWe are also committed to building raving fans through the level of service and support we provide. With that in mind, we offer free phone and email support, free webinars, extensive online help documentation/videos, and a popular traveling Redtail University that provides more in-depth training in a fun setting.

In short, we want you to succeed! We’re here to help you as you consider some of the problems you might be attempting to solve by implementing Redtail CRM within your practice. We encourage you to explore each of the reasons linked to below for why Redtail CRM may be the solution your office has been looking for.

Those reasons include:

Reason #1: CRM implementation can be time-consuming – you only want to spend the time and effort required to implement a CRM system on one with a proven track record of advisor success.

Reason #2: You want a flexible solution that both grows with you and that you can grow into.

Reason #3: You want ongoing, easy-to-access software support from live human beings who understand your challenges. You don’t want to pay extra for that.

Reason #4: Your current tools aren’t cutting it. Tasks, processes, or appointments are falling through the cracks, and potentially damaging client relationships.

Reason #5: Your client base has grown to the point where it’s impossible to maintain a cohesive and holistic view of each client using your current methods. In turn, this poses challenges in terms of compliance and missed opportunities.

Reason #6: Your office has neither recorded client/prospect information consistently nor documented client/prospect interactions sufficiently. As a result, information retrieval is difficult and time-consuming (when it is even possible) and there are knowledge gaps due to variances in how office members store or track data.

Reason #7: You need the technologies you use to integrate in meaningful ways so that you can eliminate redundant data entry and errors, streamline your processes, and improve client experience.

Reason #8: Many of your essential technologies feel disconnected from one another and require time-consuming interactions with support from many different vendors.

Reason #9: You believe it’s important to use tech vendors with strong, deep roots in the industry who clearly understand your challenges and opportunities and are staffed with employees equipped to help you meet those challenges and take advantage of those opportunities.

Reason #10: You don’t want to break the bank on your technology (or on support for your technology).

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our teams at or 800.206.5030. We can’t wait to get to know you and your business better and to show you why Redtail is an industry leader committed to your success!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post 10 reasons why Redtail CRM may be just the solution you’ve been looking for: an introduction appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Eat the big frog first: “recipes” for delighting your clients! Mon, 23 Nov 2020 15:20:14 +0000 Opportunities to delight clients abound, but you won't get to them if you put off the items you should have taken care of to begin your day.

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When it’s reached the point where customers stay with you in spite of rather than because of the customer service you provide, it’s probably time you begin establishing a hierarchy of priorities in order that nothing is left undone, including those critical opportunities to delight your clients.

I’m a crafter, and during my visits to a chain craft store near me it has become a normal experience to find employees in sour moods. At first, I was pretty shocked at the attitudes they displayed in their customer interactions; I mean, I work at Redtail where we strive to make our customers raving fans. But, as I crafted more and went back to the store frequently, I made it my personal mission to turn the employees’ days around. I would be overly happy, smile, and thank them profusely, all in hopes of spreading a good attitude. But nothing seemed to work.

Every time, the culture at this store was so toxic, and I typically left in a bad mood as well, despite my intention to brighten theirs. My craft shopping became a chore that I dreaded. Unfortunately, there are no other stores close to me that carry the same products, and ordering online is usually not an option due to the desire for specific fabric or materials, or an immediate need for tools, etc.

Much to my surprise on a recent trip to The Dreaded Craft Store, I had a perfectly normal experience. Unlike other times, there were no mistakes, no mispriced items, and, while employees were not overly kind in any way, no signs of the rude behavior I had come to expect. This time I left the store delighted!

And then . . . I thought about it. Should I have been delighted just because they hadn’t ruined my morning? A basic service can be found most anywhere, but clients generally have options. I was giving up an expectation of courteous service for convenience. Are your clients doing the same? And will they continue to do so if there are other options that are just as convenient?

Yes, we are in the middle of a pandemic. Yes, many families, businesses, and communities have been adversely affected. However, is it possible that service standards may have declined in some instances due to excuses that staff is “adapting to these uncertain times”, “making adjustments to unprecedented events”, etc.? Has your office perhaps engaged in any of these excuses to explain away an increase in mistakes, delayed projects, etc.? If so, one possible solution to get everyone back on track is to eat a frog.

I’m not joking – they are delicious! Boil them, bake them, drop them in a deep fryer, or whatever your preference may be – go for it!

“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” ~Mark Twain

Mark Twain devised this metaphor of “eating a frog” to demonstrate the importance of prioritizing tasks and breaking down projects into bite-sized pieces to make them more manageable. The gist of his witticism was that if it’s your job to perform a task that you have no motivation to do, then it is best to perform that task first thing – then you can know that the worst is behind you. So, which of the many tasks on your plate look like, taste like, or hop around elusively like frogs? Tackle those first! Easier said than done, right?

Let’s break it down even further. Looking at all the tasks on your team’s to-do list, which of them are absolutely essential to the operation of the business? Account openings, trades, annual reviews, renewing business licenses, compliance documentation, broker dealer requirements, and so on. Those are some big frogs! Better consume them first.

Next, which of the items are “customer service” related. These are the things that are “nice to have” and provide a basic client experience. This may include appointment reminders, thank you cards, birthday cards, personal touch phone calls or check ins, and more. Eat the big frogs first, but make sure all of these items are taken care of as well.

Lastly, what are your firm’s opportunities to delight? Thanksgiving is approaching and many households will not be celebrating in a traditional way. What can your firm do to delight clients around this time of year? Maybe you are going all out with supporting a local bakery with pie orders to be delivered to clients. Or doing something as simple as emailing a recipe to all business contacts. Perhaps you’re recording  a video of yourself  cooking a family recipe and sending the YouTube link to clients. Opportunities to delight abound, but you’ll never get to them if you’re still procrastinating about the items you should have taken care of to begin your day.

Yes, most of my ideas revolve around actual recipes; your recipe for delighting clients may not involve food in any way. Regardless, this is the time of year, either literally or figuratively, to dust off those baking pans and fire up the oven; bonus points if your recipe includes frogs in the ingredients list.

Trainer Hayley Mandrup

Posted by: Hayley Mandrup, Subject Matter Expert at Redtail Technology
About: Hayley Mandrup, aka the Empress of Efficiency, first joined the Redtail Customer Support team in 2013. She is passionate about organization and time management – always looking for ways to streamline internal processes and better the customers’ experience. Hayley also has continued her education and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Her degree program mainly focused on office procedures and motivational tactics for improving employee performances.

The post Eat the big frog first: “recipes” for delighting your clients! appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Are You Planning to Celebrate Your Clients in 2020? – Part 2 Mon, 10 Feb 2020 14:32:25 +0000 Look for ways you can build relationships through the things your clients hold close. It's a proven way to separate yourself from the pack. (Part 2)

The post Are You Planning to Celebrate Your Clients in 2020? – Part 2 appeared first on Redtail Technology.


In Part 1 of this post, I explored some of the ways Disney celebrates their guests and strengthens those relationships to build lifelong fans. And, I ended with this question for you:

So, how can you celebrate your clients like Disney does? Let’s jump into some of the ways you can accomplish this now.

It starts with recognizing the small, important things. Important dates are one thing, because OF COURSE you should be recognizing birthdays and anniversaries. What about the other things, though? How can you possibly celebrate the things your clients love if you don’t record them in some way? When you’re celebrating something as simple as a birthday, everything is tied together. Your ability to celebrate is based on having that birthday on file. Your ability to escalate your celebration is connected to having those additional details on file to provide a unique experience to them. Your ability to enable your staff is tied directly to what type of information you have about your clients and how you clearly establish ways to act on that information.

Using a simple birthday example, we can use what Disney applies to celebration to make it something really special. Sure, sending a birthday card through a marketing service is fine, but what if you sent that birthday card straight from your office signed by everyone? What if that birthday card was customized to their favorite sports team? What if that birthday card had a gift card to their favorite restaurant? What if your staff is properly educated and enabled to reach out to clients, to provide them with their favorite beverage at meetings, to small talk with them about personal details while they’re in the office? These types of details allow you to celebrate your clients, escalate that celebration by using personal connections, and enable your staff to act on those details to further deepen your relationships.

So I ask again: how are you planning to celebrate your clients in 2020? I would encourage your office to implement the ways of Disney, and that starts with the data you gather. Look for ways you can build relationships through the things your client holds close. Some favorites to consider might be:

  • Sodas
  • Snacks
  • Restaurants
  • Coffee
  • Sports Teams
  • Alma Maters
  • Car Types
  • Recreational Activities
  • Vacation Spots
  • Pet Names
  • Hobbies
  • Traditions
  • Holidays

Use your CRM to track this information, but be choosy about what’s relevant to you as an office. An office that doesn’t really watch sports is going to have an awkward time trying to connect through sports, after all.

Once that data is collected, look at ways that you can turn up the celebration. Small gestures like sending themed cards, having favorite consumables in stock at the office, or connecting with conversations about traditions, hobbies, and more can bring incredible value to your relationship.

Lastly, set a clearly defined culture that gives your office staff the ability to use this information to connect. Give your team the freedom to open up conversation, to celebrate the little things, and to do so spontaneously.

According to Cerulli Associates, there are more than 300,000 financial advisors in the industry. What you do isn’t what makes you special, but rather how you do it. Hundreds of thousands of financial professionals are providing similar services as you, but are they taking the extra step to deeply strengthen their relationships?

Through Redtail’s 2019 AdvisorComms Survey of over 3,200 financial professionals, we discovered that “less than 6% of offices consider any client characteristics outside of age, income, gender or education for the purpose of crafting tailored client content”. That finding definitely jibes with my informal estimation of how many hands I saw raised when I posed my tracking client favorites question to audiences over the course of this past year. It just seems to me like we can do better in this regard, that we must do better in this regard, if we want to stand out from the crowd rather than blending into it.

By taking the time to celebrate your clients a little more, by caring about the things they care about, and by using those things to build stronger relationships, you have the potential to greatly separate yourself from others. Not by numbers, not by efficiency, but by caring and celebrating just a little bit more than the others out there.

Rick Williamson

Posted by: Rick Williamson, Lead Trainer at Redtail Technology
About: Rick Williamson, better known as Ricky Redtail, has been with Redtail for 8+ years, where his role of Lead Trainer allows him to oversee all training resources, presentations, and content. With a background peppered with stints in film production, public speaking, and working at Walt Disney World, Rick has been able to make a significant impact at both Redtail and in the FinTech industry. His experience in numerous Marketing, Media, Training, and Presentation projects make him an exciting emerging voice in FinTech and Practice Management.

The post Are You Planning to Celebrate Your Clients in 2020? – Part 2 appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Are You Planning to Celebrate Your Clients in 2020? – Part 1 Wed, 05 Feb 2020 15:04:53 +0000 Look for ways you can build relationships through the things your clients hold close. It's a proven way to separate yourself from the pack.

The post Are You Planning to Celebrate Your Clients in 2020? – Part 1 appeared first on Redtail Technology.


In the past year I’ve had the incredible fortune to speak in front of thousands of financial professionals, and I’ve typically asked the crowds a very telling question:

“How many of you are tracking some type of client favorite?”

The amount of hands raised (or lack thereof) always surprised me. By my estimation, of all the rooms of people I put that question to, only about 10-15% of hands went up. For the vast majority, their CRMs contain no favorite sports teams, no favorite restaurants, no favorite beverages. Nothing.

These seemingly little, inconsequential details though offer inroads for significantly strengthening your client relationships. People want to celebrate the things they love, the things that are important to them. They want to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and other key milestones by participating in favorite activities, going to favorite locations, and consuming favorite foods and drinks.  That financial advisors are letting these opportunities to strengthen their relationships slip away is a problem. But, we can look to how those in other industries are successfully taking advantage of these types of opportunities for possible correctives (and inspiration).

Take, for example, the corporate monolith that is Disney. Now, regardless of your thoughts on intellectual property ownership, workplace compensation, or Baby Yoda, one cannot deny that Disney celebrates their clients better than almost any company on the planet. I myself spent an entire year in my younger days working as a College Program Intern at Disney’s Animal Kingdom on the Kilimanjaro Safaris attraction. There, I got to give unique tours to truckloads of guests, as well as run the many land positions to assist guests in parking strollers, entering and exiting vehicles, and guiding them through the queue. I got first-hand training on how to celebrate guests in ways that made their individual experiences so memorable that they wanted to keep coming back.


At Disney, they pride themselves on celebration. They do so in three easily adaptable ways: by escalating celebration, by allowing for unique magical moments, and by enabling their staff to make that magic for anyone.

Escalation isn’t normally used as a positive term, but that’s the best way to describe what Disney does when celebrating their guests. Anyone celebrating a birthday can go to Guest Services and get a big pin signifying that it’s their birthday. It’s not just birthdays, either. Anniversaries, first visits, graduations; heck, even generic celebrations are given pins to signify that each individual guest has something to celebrate. On top of the pin, each guest gets theirs customized with their name, allowing everyone to greet them personally and celebrate with them. In addition, each individual Cast Member (that’s Disney slang for staff member) is trained to not only acknowledge those pins, but also to provide a special level of magic depending on their position.

At the Kilimanjaro Safaris attraction, we had a position in the queue with a telephone box next to it for us to call the ride managers or the gates ahead to inform them of line progress. However, if we saw a child walk up with a specific pin, we could dial a code on that phone and hand it off to that child, giving them a special celebration message from Mickey, Minnie, Donald, or Goofy. We were allowed to present our own special form of magic, unique to our attraction.

Lastly, every single Cast Member, from the College Program interns to seasoned veteran employees to upper management, were given the ability to celebrate and reward guests at a moment’s notice. If we saw a special pin, we could make a big show of our celebration, roping in others to wish a guest a happy birthday. If we saw a guest drop their churro, we could take them over to the churro cart to get them another, free of charge. We were enabled by culture and training to look after every need of the guest and celebrate them whenever we could.

So, how can you celebrate your clients like Disney does? Click the button below to read Part 2 of this post now!

Rick Williamson

Posted by: Rick Williamson, Lead Trainer at Redtail Technology
About: Rick Williamson, better known as Ricky Redtail, has been with Redtail for 8+ years, where his role of Lead Trainer allows him to oversee all training resources, presentations, and content. With a background peppered with stints in film production, public speaking, and working at Walt Disney World, Rick has been able to make a significant impact at both Redtail and in the FinTech industry. His experience in numerous Marketing, Media, Training, and Presentation projects make him an exciting emerging voice in FinTech and Practice Management.

The post Are You Planning to Celebrate Your Clients in 2020? – Part 1 appeared first on Redtail Technology.
