CRM Archives - Redtail Technology Mon, 23 Oct 2023 13:41:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CRM Archives - Redtail Technology 32 32 Read Redtail’s June 2023 newsletter Tue, 06 Jun 2023 18:21:59 +0000 Read our June newsletter for info on Redtail Plans and Orion Stacks, links to upcoming RTU open registrations, integration info., and more.

The post Read Redtail’s June 2023 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s monthly newsletter arrives in subscriber inboxes on the first Tuesday of each month, delivering Redtail and industry news, solution updates, practice management information, and more. Our June 2023 newsletter, delivered today to subscribers, includes information on Redtail Plans, an Orion Stacks summer promotion, open registration links for two upcoming RTU events, and more! Even if you aren’t a subscriber though, you can still check out the June issue here.

To become a subscriber and make sure you never miss an issue, sign up here.


Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Read Redtail’s June 2023 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Read Redtail’s May 2023 newsletter Tue, 02 May 2023 18:46:57 +0000 Read our May newsletter for info on Orion's new website, links to two upcoming RTU open registrations, new integration info., and more.

The post Read Redtail’s May 2023 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s monthly newsletter arrives in subscriber inboxes on the first Tuesday of each month, delivering Redtail and industry news, solution updates, practice management information, and more. Our May 2023 newsletter, delivered today to subscribers, includes information on Orion’s new website launch, open registration links for two upcoming RTU events, a new Manage Your CRM series post, new integrations, and more! Even if you aren’t a subscriber though, you can still check out the May issue here.

To become a subscriber and make sure you never miss an issue, sign up here.


Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Read Redtail’s May 2023 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: Manage Database Contact Lists Fri, 21 Apr 2023 18:41:24 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can customize Database Contact Lists to reflect the terminology used in your office.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Database Contact Lists appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers many opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Database Lists, particularly those associated with your Contacts.

To manage those contact data fields within Redtail CRM that are customizable, you can go to Manage Your Account -> Admins Only -> Manage Database Lists (note: if you are not an admin user of the database or the database owner, you would not have access to customize these lists):

access manage database contact lists

You’ll see the Contact fields that you can manage are listed in the second section of the Manage Lists area:

manage database lists contact lists

By altering these lists, you can add or remove items from the dropdown menus for specific fields related to your contacts. For example, if you edit the “Contact Servicing Advisors” list and remove an option, it will no longer appear as a dropdown option when a database user is editing the Servicing Advisor field for a particular contact.

Conversely, if you add a new item to the list, it will become available as a dropdown selection for the relevant field when editing the contact.

Overall, the changes you make to these lists will impact the available options for database users, potentially improving the accuracy and consistency of data entry, as well as ensuring that all necessary options are available for the specific fields related to the contact.

The process for customizing most of the available Contact Lists within your database is the same, so we’ll only walk through customizing your Writing Advisors list here as an example. We’ll then move on to customizing your Membership Codes and Contact User Defined Fields lists after that, as the process is different for them than for the other Contact lists.

So, let’s take a look at customizing your Writing Advisors.

After you’ve clicked Writing Advisors from the Manage Lists area, your page will display the list of Writing Advisors currently available in your CRM, an example of which is below:

writing advisors list

You can add new Writing Advisors by clicking the add button in the top right corner.  You’ll then see the below:

add writing advisor

Just type in the name for your new Writing Advisor and click the add writing advisor button. After adding your Writing Advisor, they will then be available in the Writing Advisor menu when adding or editing a contact record:

add writing advisor to contact record

Note: many of your Contact Lists have system field values entered (Writing Advisors being one of the exceptions), and those system field values are not editable/deletable. For any Contact List field values you add to your database, you will see that you have the ability to edit or delete those later if needed:

edit delete contact list field values


Manage your Contacts User Defined Fields List

Now, let’s take a look at customizing your Contacts User Defined Fields list. To access that page, you’ll need to click User Defined Fields from the Contacts area under Manage Lists:

contact user defined fields

After you’ve clicked User Defined Fields under the Contacts header, your page will display your current list.  Below is an example of a portion of a Contact User Defined Fields list:

sample contact user defined fields

You can add new UDFs by clicking the add button in the top right corner.  You’ll then see the below:

add new contact user defined field

Contact UDFs can be set up in six different ways, where the value you enter for them is either text, a list of predefined values, a Number, True/False, Yes/No, or a Date. You can provide any name for your individual UDFs you would like; you’ll just want it to be clear what each name represents since database users will be selecting them from a dropdown menu. The name should spell out each UDF’s purpose as much as is possible.

Let’s take a look at each of those below.


Any Text

UDFs set up with a Field Type of “Any Text” allow you to enter any value for the UDF when assigning it to a contact. You’d want to use this Field Type when the Field Value is likely to be different for most contacts to whom you might assign it. As an example, you might want to track your contacts’ pets’ names. Let’s say you are going to break that down by dogs, cats, horses, etc. In this example, we’ll add a UDF for tracking contacts’ dogs. Here’s what the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like after naming the UDF and selecting the “Any Text” Field Type:

add user defined field any text

Click the “add user defined field” button and this UDF is then available to assign to your contacts, either individually or in bulk (though for the Any Text UDFs, bulk assignment is unlikely to be something you would use much).

When you go to add this UDF to a contact, after selecting the UDF “Pet’s Name — Dog”, the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like the below, with a Value box that you can type whatever you would like into:

add dogs name to UDF

After clicking “add udf”, the User Defined Fields area for this contact will reflect that they have a Pet Dog and that the furry fella’s name is Fido:

Fido named


List of Values

Contact UDFs set up with a Field Type of “List of Values” allow you to set up a predetermined list from which to choose when assigning it to a contact. You’d want to use this Field Type when the Field Value is likely to be limited to a certain number of viable options. As an example, you might want to track your contacts’ favorite local golf courses. In this example, we’ll add a UDF for tracking their preferred golf course. Here’s what the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like after naming the UDF and selecting the “List of Values” Field Type:

add udf list of values

Your next step would be to then add that List of Values from which you can choose when assigning the UDF to a contact. To do so, click the “+” icon indicated above. You’d then see the below:

click plus list of values udf

You can then enter your first List item in the box highlighted above, and continue clicking the “+” icon and adding more until you’re done. When finished, this area might look similar to the below:

list of golf clubs udf

Click the “add user defined field” button and this UDF is then available to assign to your contacts, either individually or in bulk.

When you go to add this UDF to a contact, after selecting the UDF “Favorite Local Golf Course”, the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like the below, with a Value box that allows you to select from your List of Values:

select golf course

After selecting the appropriate course and clicking “add udf”, the User Defined Fields area for this contact will reflect your selection:

contact udfs on home page


True or False / Yes or No

While True or False and Yes or No offer distinct choices as a Field Type for UDFs, they both work in the same way. Here we’ll take a look at setting up a UDF with a Field Type of “True or False” — if you need one with a Field Type of “Yes or No” it works in the exact same fashion. UDFs set up with a Field Type of “True or False” allow you to select either “True” or “False” as the value for the UDF when assigning it to a contact. You’d want to use this Field Type when the Field Value can only be one of those two choices for any contacts to whom you might assign it. As an example, you might want to track whether or not contacts have opted-in to receive your monthly newsletter. Here’s what the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like after naming the UDF and selecting the “True or False” Field Type:

add udf tf

Click the “add user defined field” button and this UDF is then available to assign to your contacts, either individually or in bulk.

When you go to add this UDF to a contact, after selecting the UDF “Monthly Newsletter Opt-in?”, the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like the below, with a Value box that allows you to select between True or False:

add tf udf

After clicking “add udf”, the User Defined Fields area for this contact will reflect your selection here:

udf contact page view



You might use a UDF that requires a Date as the Field Value for any number of reasons. As an example, you might want to track when a set of clients became members of the Board of Education. Here’s what the Add User Defined Field modal would look like after naming the UDF and selecting the “Date” Field Type:

date add contact udf

Click the “add user defined field” button and this UDF is then available to assign to your contacts, either individually or in bulk.

When you go to add this UDF to a contact, after selecting the UDF “Board of Education Appointment”, the Add User Defined Field modal would look like the below, with a Value box that displays a Date Picker after you’ve clicked inside it (this is to ensure uniformity in how dates are entered in your database):

BOE date pickeer udf

After selecting a date and clicking “add udf”, the User Defined Fields area for this contact will reflect your selection here:

BOE UDF contact page



You might use a UDF that requires a Number as the Field Value. Perhaps you want to track the number of grandchildren your clients have. Here’s what the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like after naming the UDF and selecting the “Number” Field Type:

contact number udf

Click the “add user defined field” button and this UDF is then available to assign to your contacts, either individually or in bulk.

When you go to add this UDF to a contact, after selecting the UDF “# of Grandchildren”, the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like the below, with a Value box that displays an up/down arrow when you hover over it (this is to allow you to scroll up or down to select a number):

add udf number arrows

After selecting a number and clicking “add udf”, the User Defined Fields area for this contact will reflect your selection here:

5 grandchildren udf

When working with your UDF List, be aware that User Defined Fields have both Edit and Delete options available from their Actions menu, meaning you can edit their name or delete them entirely. Or, in the case of those with a Field Type of “List of Values”, you can also add or remove options from the list.


Manage your Contacts Membership Codes List

Memberships provide you with a method for linking one database contact to another, outside of the familial links you establish for Family Heads, Spouses and their Dependents. When you click the Membership Codes option from your Contact list options, you’ll then see a display of the current Membership Types within your database (a sample portion of which is provided below):

membership codes list

To add a new Membership Code, click add in the upper right corner here. You’ll then see the below:

add membership code

Then, you can just type the new Membership Name in the appropriate box and choose the contact types for the two types of records you’d use when adding this Membership Code.  Then, click add membership type.  As an example, if you were adding the Membership Code “Board Member,” you’d set “Contact (source) Type” to Individual and “Linked Contact (destination) Type” to Association (or Business or Union), as when utilizing this Membership Type you’d likely be linking an Individual contact record to one of those Contact Types. For your particular circumstances, you may need three different types of Membership Codes for “Board Member” to account for this. Below is an example when choosing Association for the Linked Contact:

add membership board member


Just click the “add membership code” button and you can then begin applying this membership code between contacts to establish these types of relationships in your CRM.

As always, if you have any questions you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!


Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Database Contact Lists appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Read Redtail’s April 2023 newsletter Tue, 04 Apr 2023 17:34:30 +0000 Read our April newsletter for links to recent Redtail/Orion podcast appearances, 2023 T3 Survey results, a new Manage Your CRM series post, new integration info., and more.

The post Read Redtail’s April 2023 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s monthly newsletter arrives in subscriber inboxes on the first Tuesday of each month, delivering Redtail and industry news, solution updates, practice management information, and more. Our April 2023 newsletter, delivered today to subscribers, includes information on the latest T3 survey results, some great podcast recommendations for Redtail/Orion users, new integrations, and more! Even if you aren’t a subscriber though, you can still check out the April issue here.

To become a subscriber and make sure you never miss an issue, sign up here.


Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Read Redtail’s April 2023 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: Manage Database Account Lists Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:39:28 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can customize Database Account Lists to reflect the terminology used in your office.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Database Account Lists appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers many opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Database Lists, particularly those associated with Client Accounts.

To manage those account data fields within Redtail CRM that are customizable, you can go to Manage Your Account -> Admins Only -> Manage Database Lists (note: if you are not an admin user of the database or the database owner, you would not have access to customize these lists):

accounts list manage database lists

You’ll see the Client Account fields that you can manage are listed at the top of the Manage Lists area:

manage lists account fields

By altering these lists, you can add or remove items from the dropdown menus for specific fields related to the account. For example, if you edit the “Account Types” list and remove an option, it will no longer appear as a dropdown option when a database user is editing the Account Type field for a particular account.

Conversely, if you add a new item to the list, it will become available as a dropdown selection for the relevant field when editing the account.

Overall, the changes you make to these lists will impact the available options for database users, potentially improving the accuracy and consistency of data entry, as well as ensuring that all necessary options are available for the specific fields related to the account.

The process for customizing the available Account Types, Account Tax Qualified Types, and Account Asset Types within your database is the same, so we’ll only walk through customizing your Account Types list here. We’ll then move on to customizing your Account User Defined Fields list after that, as the process is somewhat different than for the first three Account lists.

So, let’s take a look at customizing your Account Types.

After you’ve clicked Account Types from the Manage Lists area, your page will display the list of Account Types currently available in your CRM.  Since the Account Types list is typically lengthy, a sample of only a partial list is below:

account types list

You can add new Account Types by clicking the add button in the top right corner.  You’ll then see the below:

add account type modal

Just type in the name for your new Account Type and click the add account type button. After adding your Account Type, it will then be available in the Account Type menu when adding or editing an account:

choose account type

Account Type is also a searchable field from your Advanced Search page (this applies to Account Tax Qualified Types and Account Asset Types as well).

Those Account Types that have been manually added to your database—as opposed to being System Account Types—will have both Edit and Delete options available from their Actions menu, meaning you can edit their name or delete them entirely, as necessary:

edit delete account type option


Now, let’s take a look at customizing your Account User Defined Fields list. To access that page, you’ll need to click User Defined Fields from the Accounts area under Manage Lists:

manage account user defined fields

You’ll then see the currently available Account UDFs that can be assigned to your Accounts:

account udf manage list

You can add new Account UDFs by clicking the add button in the top right corner.  You’ll then see the below:

add account udf

Account UDFs can be set up in six different ways, where the value you enter for them is either text, a list of predefined values, a Number, True/False, Yes/No, or a Date. You can provide any name for your individual UDFs you would like; you’ll just want it to be clear what each name represents since database users will be selecting them from a dropdown menu. The name should spell out each UDF’s purpose as much as is possible.

Let’s take a look at each of those below.

Any Text

Account UDFs set up with a Field Type of “Any Text” allow you to enter any value (any string of text) for the UDF when assigning it to an account:

add account udf any text

You’d want to use this Field Type when the Field Value is likely to be different for most accounts to which you might assign it and when none of the other Field Types will work for the input value required. After naming your UDF and selecting this Field Type, click the “add account udf” button and this UDF will be available to assign to your accounts as needed.


List of Values

Account UDFs set up with a Field Type of “List of Values” allow you to set up a predetermined list from which to choose when assigning it to an account. You’d want to use this Field Type when the Field Value is going to be limited to a certain number of viable options. After naming your UDF and selecting “List of Values” as the Field Type, you’d then see a “Values” area beneath the Field Type:

add account udf list of values

Your next step would be to then add that List of Values from which you can choose when assigning the UDF to an account. To do so, click the green “+” icon shown above. You’d then see the below:

add account udf list of values add

You can then enter your first List item in the Field value box, and continue clicking the “+” icon and adding more until you’re done:

Protect Live Dream

After naming your UDF and selecting this Field Type and adding all appropriate values, click the “add account udf” button and this UDF will be available to assign to your accounts moving forward as needed.


True or False / Yes or No

While True or False and Yes or No offer distinct choices as a Field Type for Account UDFs, they both work in the same way. Here we’ll take a look at setting up an Account UDF with a Field Type of “True or False” — if you need one with a Field Type of “Yes or No” it works in the exact same fashion.

Account UDFs set up with a Field Type of “True or False” allow you to select either “True” or “False” as the value for the UDF when assigning it to an account. You’d want to use this Field Type when the Field Value can only be one of those two choices for any accounts to which you might assign it:


recommended account

After naming your UDF and selecting this Field Type, click the “add account udf” button and this UDF will be available to assign to your accounts as needed.



You might use an Account UDF that requires a Date as the Field Value for any number of reasons:

add account udf dateAfter naming your UDF and selecting this Field Type, click the “add account udf” button and this UDF will be available to assign to your accounts as needed.



Account UDFS can also require a Number as the Field Value:

add account udf number

After naming your Account UDF and selecting this Field Type, click the “add account UDF” button and this UDF will be available to assign to your accounts as needed.

When working with your Account UDF List, be aware that all of your User Defined Fields have both Edit and Delete options available from their Actions menu:

edit account udf

This allows you to edit their name or delete them entirely. Or, in the case of those with a Field Type of “List of Values”, you can also add or remove options from the list of values.

One final thing to mention: each of these four account fields mentioned above is searchable and/or reportable, which allows you to easily find every account that shares a common value for any of them.

In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Managing Database Contact Lists in Redtail CRM.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!


Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Database Account Lists appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Read Redtail’s March 2023 newsletter Tue, 07 Mar 2023 18:40:47 +0000 Read our February newsletter for info on new Redtail Mobile features, new Redtail Speak features, and more.

The post Read Redtail’s March 2023 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s monthly newsletter arrives in subscriber inboxes on the first Tuesday of each month, delivering Redtail and industry news, solution updates, practice management information, and more. Our February 2023 newsletter, delivered yesterday to subscribers, includes information on new Redtail CRM Mobile features, new Redtail Speak features, and more! Even if you aren’t a subscriber though, you can still check out the February issue here.!!

To become a subscriber and make sure you never miss an issue, sign up here.


Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Read Redtail’s March 2023 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Read Redtail’s February 2023 newsletter Wed, 08 Feb 2023 15:26:03 +0000 Read our February newsletter for info on new Redtail Mobile features, new Redtail Speak features, and more.

The post Read Redtail’s February 2023 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s monthly newsletter arrives in subscriber inboxes on the first Tuesday of each month, delivering Redtail and industry news, solution updates, practice management information, and more. Our February 2023 newsletter, delivered yesterday to subscribers, includes information on new Redtail CRM Mobile features, new Redtail Speak features, and more! Even if you aren’t a subscriber though, you can still check out the February issue here.

To become a subscriber and make sure you never miss an issue, sign up here.


Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Read Redtail’s February 2023 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Read Redtail’s January 2023 newsletter Wed, 04 Jan 2023 16:27:51 +0000 Read our January newsletter for info on our new Imaging solution, a look back at Redtail's 2022 highlights, new integration information, and more.

The post Read Redtail’s January 2023 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s monthly newsletter arrives in subscriber inboxes on the first Tuesday of each month, delivering Redtail and industry news, solution updates, practice management information, and more. Our January 2023 newsletter, delivered yesterday to subscribers, includes information on our new Imaging solution, provides details on two new integrations, links out to a short look back on Redtail’s 2022, and more! Even if you aren’t a subscriber though, you can still check out the January issue here.

To become a subscriber and make sure you never miss an issue, sign up here.


Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Read Redtail’s January 2023 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.

12 Redtail Highlights from the Past 12 Months Mon, 19 Dec 2022 19:51:19 +0000 2022 was perhaps the most eventful year in Redtail's nearly 20 years of operations. We look back on 12 Redtail highlights from 2022 here!

The post 12 Redtail Highlights from the Past 12 Months appeared first on Redtail Technology.


2022 was perhaps the most eventful year in Redtail’s nearly 20 years of operations. In looking back on a year that has certainly inspired reflection on the part of everyone here at Redtail, we have put together a list of 12 highlights from a year that has been full of surprises and successes. We hope you’ll enjoy this look back and perhaps find a bit of Redtail news you may have missed that’s relevant to the ongoing success of your practice. Happy holidays to each of you!

  1. A brand new version of Redtail Speak was released on January 11th. Bulk texting was added to Speak’s capabilities later in the year, as were merge fields for text personalization and reporting. Additionally, Redtail founder Brian McLaughlin penned a piece for ThinkAdvisor offering some tips for advisors on how to incorporate texting into their practices while adhering to all applicable regulations regarding client communication.

  2. After a much abbreviated 2020 season and a 2021 season hosted entirely online, Redtail University returned for live sessions around the country throughout 2022, offering up fun, informative events for advisors and their staffs to really dive deep into all the tools Redtail CRM puts at their disposal. And, we couldn’t be more excited about our upcoming 2023 season of Redtail University Live, kicking off in Orlando, FL on February 27th.

  3. Redtail Technology was honored by American Banker as one of their Best Places to Work in Fintech 2022, named winner of the CRM Solution Provider award in the US categories at the WealthTech Americas Awards 2022, and achieved the #1 market share in the CRM Tools Category and the #3 market share in the Document Management Category in the 2022 T3/Inside Information Advisor Software Survey.

  4. Redtail Imaging was completely overhauled in 2022, with the new version of our electronic document management solution announced in December of 2022.

  5. Saved Report Filter functionality was rolled out for Redtail CRM, providing users with much quicker access to the report data they seek out on an ongoing basis.

  6. Redtail Mobile saw the addition of Note Templates and Follow-up Activities as part of its feature set.

  7. Plenty of new and/or updated Redtail CRM integrations were announced in 2022, including those with Healthpilot, MyNameFlow, Income Lab, Pulse360, Capitect, Ndex, Quik!, The Perfect RIA (Invictus), TimeLyft, CurrentClient, GReminders, TIFIN Wealth, Atlas Point, Econiq, and Moxo.

  8. Redtail conducted its annual survey, again in conjunction with students and professors from the Finance program at BYU-Idaho. The survey uncovered some potentially useful results, both for students and financial professionals, and results will be published in the new year. You can see our 2021 survey results here.

  9. Orion Advisor Solutions acquired Redtail Technology. Of course this was the biggest news of the year for ‘Tailers, and we have embraced our colleagues at Orion as we work together to create raving fans, innovate our platform, disrupt the status quo, and help financial professionals win by realizing their unique vision for success.

  10. In what we believe was a big win for those subscribing to both Orion Advisor Technology services and to Redtail CRM, we announced the first updates to our integration after the acquisition, bringing Orion Portfolio View accessibility within Redtail CRM. There was more to come in 2022, however, for Orion Portfolio Solutions users, who gained the ability to create a new proposal or open a new account in Orion Portfolio Solutions from within Redtail CRM.

  11. Redtail announced our new marketing solution for advisors, Redtail Campaigns, a tool geared to help you improve your overall prospect and client experience by allowing you to individually engage with them on the topics most relevant to their current needs.

  12. In September of 2022, Brian McLaughlin, founder and previously CEO of Redtail Technology, was named President, Orion Advisor Tech. We’re thrilled for Brian and excited about what he’ll do in this new position moving forward. We were also excited in December to see that Financial Planning named Brian to their list of “23 people who will leave a mark on wealth management in 2023“. We are here FOR THAT!

And, here’s to a wonderful 2023 to each of you!


Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post 12 Redtail Highlights from the Past 12 Months appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Read Redtail’s December 2022 newsletter Tue, 06 Dec 2022 19:24:27 +0000 Read our December newsletter for an important message for Redtail Speak subscribers, a special offer for new Orion subscribers, new integration information, and more.

The post Read Redtail’s December 2022 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail’s monthly newsletter arrives in subscriber inboxes on the first Tuesday of each month, delivering Redtail and industry news, solution updates, practice management information, and more. Our December 2022 newsletter, delivered today to subscribers, has an important message for Redtail Speak subscribers, information on two new integrations, a special offer for new Orion subscribers, and more! Even if you aren’t a subscriber though, you can still check out the December issue here.

To become a subscriber and make sure you never miss an issue, sign up here.



Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Read Redtail’s December 2022 newsletter appeared first on Redtail Technology.
