Manage your CRM Archives - Redtail Technology Mon, 23 Oct 2023 13:41:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Manage your CRM Archives - Redtail Technology 32 32 Manage your CRM: Manage Database Contact Lists Fri, 21 Apr 2023 18:41:24 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can customize Database Contact Lists to reflect the terminology used in your office.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Database Contact Lists appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers many opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Database Lists, particularly those associated with your Contacts.

To manage those contact data fields within Redtail CRM that are customizable, you can go to Manage Your Account -> Admins Only -> Manage Database Lists (note: if you are not an admin user of the database or the database owner, you would not have access to customize these lists):

access manage database contact lists

You’ll see the Contact fields that you can manage are listed in the second section of the Manage Lists area:

manage database lists contact lists

By altering these lists, you can add or remove items from the dropdown menus for specific fields related to your contacts. For example, if you edit the “Contact Servicing Advisors” list and remove an option, it will no longer appear as a dropdown option when a database user is editing the Servicing Advisor field for a particular contact.

Conversely, if you add a new item to the list, it will become available as a dropdown selection for the relevant field when editing the contact.

Overall, the changes you make to these lists will impact the available options for database users, potentially improving the accuracy and consistency of data entry, as well as ensuring that all necessary options are available for the specific fields related to the contact.

The process for customizing most of the available Contact Lists within your database is the same, so we’ll only walk through customizing your Writing Advisors list here as an example. We’ll then move on to customizing your Membership Codes and Contact User Defined Fields lists after that, as the process is different for them than for the other Contact lists.

So, let’s take a look at customizing your Writing Advisors.

After you’ve clicked Writing Advisors from the Manage Lists area, your page will display the list of Writing Advisors currently available in your CRM, an example of which is below:

writing advisors list

You can add new Writing Advisors by clicking the add button in the top right corner.  You’ll then see the below:

add writing advisor

Just type in the name for your new Writing Advisor and click the add writing advisor button. After adding your Writing Advisor, they will then be available in the Writing Advisor menu when adding or editing a contact record:

add writing advisor to contact record

Note: many of your Contact Lists have system field values entered (Writing Advisors being one of the exceptions), and those system field values are not editable/deletable. For any Contact List field values you add to your database, you will see that you have the ability to edit or delete those later if needed:

edit delete contact list field values


Manage your Contacts User Defined Fields List

Now, let’s take a look at customizing your Contacts User Defined Fields list. To access that page, you’ll need to click User Defined Fields from the Contacts area under Manage Lists:

contact user defined fields

After you’ve clicked User Defined Fields under the Contacts header, your page will display your current list.  Below is an example of a portion of a Contact User Defined Fields list:

sample contact user defined fields

You can add new UDFs by clicking the add button in the top right corner.  You’ll then see the below:

add new contact user defined field

Contact UDFs can be set up in six different ways, where the value you enter for them is either text, a list of predefined values, a Number, True/False, Yes/No, or a Date. You can provide any name for your individual UDFs you would like; you’ll just want it to be clear what each name represents since database users will be selecting them from a dropdown menu. The name should spell out each UDF’s purpose as much as is possible.

Let’s take a look at each of those below.


Any Text

UDFs set up with a Field Type of “Any Text” allow you to enter any value for the UDF when assigning it to a contact. You’d want to use this Field Type when the Field Value is likely to be different for most contacts to whom you might assign it. As an example, you might want to track your contacts’ pets’ names. Let’s say you are going to break that down by dogs, cats, horses, etc. In this example, we’ll add a UDF for tracking contacts’ dogs. Here’s what the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like after naming the UDF and selecting the “Any Text” Field Type:

add user defined field any text

Click the “add user defined field” button and this UDF is then available to assign to your contacts, either individually or in bulk (though for the Any Text UDFs, bulk assignment is unlikely to be something you would use much).

When you go to add this UDF to a contact, after selecting the UDF “Pet’s Name — Dog”, the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like the below, with a Value box that you can type whatever you would like into:

add dogs name to UDF

After clicking “add udf”, the User Defined Fields area for this contact will reflect that they have a Pet Dog and that the furry fella’s name is Fido:

Fido named


List of Values

Contact UDFs set up with a Field Type of “List of Values” allow you to set up a predetermined list from which to choose when assigning it to a contact. You’d want to use this Field Type when the Field Value is likely to be limited to a certain number of viable options. As an example, you might want to track your contacts’ favorite local golf courses. In this example, we’ll add a UDF for tracking their preferred golf course. Here’s what the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like after naming the UDF and selecting the “List of Values” Field Type:

add udf list of values

Your next step would be to then add that List of Values from which you can choose when assigning the UDF to a contact. To do so, click the “+” icon indicated above. You’d then see the below:

click plus list of values udf

You can then enter your first List item in the box highlighted above, and continue clicking the “+” icon and adding more until you’re done. When finished, this area might look similar to the below:

list of golf clubs udf

Click the “add user defined field” button and this UDF is then available to assign to your contacts, either individually or in bulk.

When you go to add this UDF to a contact, after selecting the UDF “Favorite Local Golf Course”, the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like the below, with a Value box that allows you to select from your List of Values:

select golf course

After selecting the appropriate course and clicking “add udf”, the User Defined Fields area for this contact will reflect your selection:

contact udfs on home page


True or False / Yes or No

While True or False and Yes or No offer distinct choices as a Field Type for UDFs, they both work in the same way. Here we’ll take a look at setting up a UDF with a Field Type of “True or False” — if you need one with a Field Type of “Yes or No” it works in the exact same fashion. UDFs set up with a Field Type of “True or False” allow you to select either “True” or “False” as the value for the UDF when assigning it to a contact. You’d want to use this Field Type when the Field Value can only be one of those two choices for any contacts to whom you might assign it. As an example, you might want to track whether or not contacts have opted-in to receive your monthly newsletter. Here’s what the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like after naming the UDF and selecting the “True or False” Field Type:

add udf tf

Click the “add user defined field” button and this UDF is then available to assign to your contacts, either individually or in bulk.

When you go to add this UDF to a contact, after selecting the UDF “Monthly Newsletter Opt-in?”, the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like the below, with a Value box that allows you to select between True or False:

add tf udf

After clicking “add udf”, the User Defined Fields area for this contact will reflect your selection here:

udf contact page view



You might use a UDF that requires a Date as the Field Value for any number of reasons. As an example, you might want to track when a set of clients became members of the Board of Education. Here’s what the Add User Defined Field modal would look like after naming the UDF and selecting the “Date” Field Type:

date add contact udf

Click the “add user defined field” button and this UDF is then available to assign to your contacts, either individually or in bulk.

When you go to add this UDF to a contact, after selecting the UDF “Board of Education Appointment”, the Add User Defined Field modal would look like the below, with a Value box that displays a Date Picker after you’ve clicked inside it (this is to ensure uniformity in how dates are entered in your database):

BOE date pickeer udf

After selecting a date and clicking “add udf”, the User Defined Fields area for this contact will reflect your selection here:

BOE UDF contact page



You might use a UDF that requires a Number as the Field Value. Perhaps you want to track the number of grandchildren your clients have. Here’s what the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like after naming the UDF and selecting the “Number” Field Type:

contact number udf

Click the “add user defined field” button and this UDF is then available to assign to your contacts, either individually or in bulk.

When you go to add this UDF to a contact, after selecting the UDF “# of Grandchildren”, the Add User Defined Field dialog would look like the below, with a Value box that displays an up/down arrow when you hover over it (this is to allow you to scroll up or down to select a number):

add udf number arrows

After selecting a number and clicking “add udf”, the User Defined Fields area for this contact will reflect your selection here:

5 grandchildren udf

When working with your UDF List, be aware that User Defined Fields have both Edit and Delete options available from their Actions menu, meaning you can edit their name or delete them entirely. Or, in the case of those with a Field Type of “List of Values”, you can also add or remove options from the list.


Manage your Contacts Membership Codes List

Memberships provide you with a method for linking one database contact to another, outside of the familial links you establish for Family Heads, Spouses and their Dependents. When you click the Membership Codes option from your Contact list options, you’ll then see a display of the current Membership Types within your database (a sample portion of which is provided below):

membership codes list

To add a new Membership Code, click add in the upper right corner here. You’ll then see the below:

add membership code

Then, you can just type the new Membership Name in the appropriate box and choose the contact types for the two types of records you’d use when adding this Membership Code.  Then, click add membership type.  As an example, if you were adding the Membership Code “Board Member,” you’d set “Contact (source) Type” to Individual and “Linked Contact (destination) Type” to Association (or Business or Union), as when utilizing this Membership Type you’d likely be linking an Individual contact record to one of those Contact Types. For your particular circumstances, you may need three different types of Membership Codes for “Board Member” to account for this. Below is an example when choosing Association for the Linked Contact:

add membership board member


Just click the “add membership code” button and you can then begin applying this membership code between contacts to establish these types of relationships in your CRM.

As always, if you have any questions you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!


Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Database Contact Lists appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: Manage Database Account Lists Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:39:28 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can customize Database Account Lists to reflect the terminology used in your office.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Database Account Lists appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers many opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Database Lists, particularly those associated with Client Accounts.

To manage those account data fields within Redtail CRM that are customizable, you can go to Manage Your Account -> Admins Only -> Manage Database Lists (note: if you are not an admin user of the database or the database owner, you would not have access to customize these lists):

accounts list manage database lists

You’ll see the Client Account fields that you can manage are listed at the top of the Manage Lists area:

manage lists account fields

By altering these lists, you can add or remove items from the dropdown menus for specific fields related to the account. For example, if you edit the “Account Types” list and remove an option, it will no longer appear as a dropdown option when a database user is editing the Account Type field for a particular account.

Conversely, if you add a new item to the list, it will become available as a dropdown selection for the relevant field when editing the account.

Overall, the changes you make to these lists will impact the available options for database users, potentially improving the accuracy and consistency of data entry, as well as ensuring that all necessary options are available for the specific fields related to the account.

The process for customizing the available Account Types, Account Tax Qualified Types, and Account Asset Types within your database is the same, so we’ll only walk through customizing your Account Types list here. We’ll then move on to customizing your Account User Defined Fields list after that, as the process is somewhat different than for the first three Account lists.

So, let’s take a look at customizing your Account Types.

After you’ve clicked Account Types from the Manage Lists area, your page will display the list of Account Types currently available in your CRM.  Since the Account Types list is typically lengthy, a sample of only a partial list is below:

account types list

You can add new Account Types by clicking the add button in the top right corner.  You’ll then see the below:

add account type modal

Just type in the name for your new Account Type and click the add account type button. After adding your Account Type, it will then be available in the Account Type menu when adding or editing an account:

choose account type

Account Type is also a searchable field from your Advanced Search page (this applies to Account Tax Qualified Types and Account Asset Types as well).

Those Account Types that have been manually added to your database—as opposed to being System Account Types—will have both Edit and Delete options available from their Actions menu, meaning you can edit their name or delete them entirely, as necessary:

edit delete account type option


Now, let’s take a look at customizing your Account User Defined Fields list. To access that page, you’ll need to click User Defined Fields from the Accounts area under Manage Lists:

manage account user defined fields

You’ll then see the currently available Account UDFs that can be assigned to your Accounts:

account udf manage list

You can add new Account UDFs by clicking the add button in the top right corner.  You’ll then see the below:

add account udf

Account UDFs can be set up in six different ways, where the value you enter for them is either text, a list of predefined values, a Number, True/False, Yes/No, or a Date. You can provide any name for your individual UDFs you would like; you’ll just want it to be clear what each name represents since database users will be selecting them from a dropdown menu. The name should spell out each UDF’s purpose as much as is possible.

Let’s take a look at each of those below.

Any Text

Account UDFs set up with a Field Type of “Any Text” allow you to enter any value (any string of text) for the UDF when assigning it to an account:

add account udf any text

You’d want to use this Field Type when the Field Value is likely to be different for most accounts to which you might assign it and when none of the other Field Types will work for the input value required. After naming your UDF and selecting this Field Type, click the “add account udf” button and this UDF will be available to assign to your accounts as needed.


List of Values

Account UDFs set up with a Field Type of “List of Values” allow you to set up a predetermined list from which to choose when assigning it to an account. You’d want to use this Field Type when the Field Value is going to be limited to a certain number of viable options. After naming your UDF and selecting “List of Values” as the Field Type, you’d then see a “Values” area beneath the Field Type:

add account udf list of values

Your next step would be to then add that List of Values from which you can choose when assigning the UDF to an account. To do so, click the green “+” icon shown above. You’d then see the below:

add account udf list of values add

You can then enter your first List item in the Field value box, and continue clicking the “+” icon and adding more until you’re done:

Protect Live Dream

After naming your UDF and selecting this Field Type and adding all appropriate values, click the “add account udf” button and this UDF will be available to assign to your accounts moving forward as needed.


True or False / Yes or No

While True or False and Yes or No offer distinct choices as a Field Type for Account UDFs, they both work in the same way. Here we’ll take a look at setting up an Account UDF with a Field Type of “True or False” — if you need one with a Field Type of “Yes or No” it works in the exact same fashion.

Account UDFs set up with a Field Type of “True or False” allow you to select either “True” or “False” as the value for the UDF when assigning it to an account. You’d want to use this Field Type when the Field Value can only be one of those two choices for any accounts to which you might assign it:


recommended account

After naming your UDF and selecting this Field Type, click the “add account udf” button and this UDF will be available to assign to your accounts as needed.



You might use an Account UDF that requires a Date as the Field Value for any number of reasons:

add account udf dateAfter naming your UDF and selecting this Field Type, click the “add account udf” button and this UDF will be available to assign to your accounts as needed.



Account UDFS can also require a Number as the Field Value:

add account udf number

After naming your Account UDF and selecting this Field Type, click the “add account UDF” button and this UDF will be available to assign to your accounts as needed.

When working with your Account UDF List, be aware that all of your User Defined Fields have both Edit and Delete options available from their Actions menu:

edit account udf

This allows you to edit their name or delete them entirely. Or, in the case of those with a Field Type of “List of Values”, you can also add or remove options from the list of values.

One final thing to mention: each of these four account fields mentioned above is searchable and/or reportable, which allows you to easily find every account that shares a common value for any of them.

In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Managing Database Contact Lists in Redtail CRM.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!


Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Database Account Lists appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: Manage Workflow Templates Wed, 26 Oct 2022 13:12:34 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can build and use Workflow Templates in Redtail.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Workflow Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences, templates, and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Workflow Templates.

Redtail CRM provides you with the ability to create Workflow Templates, allowing you to systematize your processes within Redtail CRM and creating an easily accessible record of accountability to help your office eliminate bottlenecks. Going forward, you’ll be able to select from any Workflow Templates you’ve established and attach them individually or in bulk to contact records. You can also attach a Workflow Template to an opportunity or a seminar. Or, they can stand alone as processes not tied to a contact, opportunity, or seminar.

Workflow Templates offer you a streamlined and orderly method for ensuring that your common processes are handled in a consistent and efficient fashion each and every time they are performed; this is particularly important in both smaller offices where fewer people are handling everything as well as in larger offices where many hands may be involved and templates can help ensure consistency.

Creating and Using Workflow Templates in Redtail CRM

To begin setting up a Workflow Template, select Manage Your Account after clicking your Name from the Top Right Menu within Redtail:

manage your account selection

Then, click “Workflow Templates” in the Manage Templates area:


You’ll then see existing Workflow Templates in your database (if any):


Note the “filter” and “new” buttons above your existing templates. The filter button will allow you to filter which templates are displayed based upon Template Name, their Status, and/or their Category.

To create a new workflow template, you would click on the button above in the top right corner of the Workflow Templates area that says “new”. You’ll then see an Add Workflow Template area:


Let’s take a look at how you might go about creating an automated workflow process for handling the Client Onboarding Process. In the Name box above, you might type “Client Onboarding Process” to give your Workflow Template a name.

In the Status menu, you can then choose whether your Workflow should be Active, Inactive or Under Construction.  By default, Workflows are set to Under Construction, so you’ll need to change this to Active once you’re ready to begin using your new Workflow. If for some reason in the future you want to make a Workflow temporarily unavailable (rather than deleting it), you can accomplish this by setting its status to Inactive. If it’s going to take you some time to set up your Workflow, you might want to designate it as Under Construction until you have all the pieces in place.  This will also prevent other database users from attaching a Workflow that is not complete to contacts within your database.

For the Owner menu, select either a User, a Team, a Role or “Creating User” and, with the exception of that last option, the appropriate box will then appear for you to select the database user, database user team or database role that you would like to assign default Ownership for this particular template.  If you select “Creating User”, the database user attaching the template at a later date will be the default owner and/or assignee for workflow tasks.

We’re going to assign this one to “Client Service Team” within our database.

In the Category menu, select the appropriate category that applies to this Workflow Process.

In the Set Target Date area, enter a number in the “number of” box and select days, weeks or months in the second box. This will establish how many days, weeks or months the Workflow should take for completion after it is attached to a Contact, Opportunity or Seminar. We’re going to set this at two weeks. You can check off “Excluding Weekends & Federal Holidays” so those days are not factored into your Target Date or Step Due Dates.

Then you might type “Use this process when transitioning Prospects to Clients” in the Description text box to serve as a description of what your Workflow Template is for. We recommend using the description field to provide information that would be clear to new users in your office who might be assigned taking over the Workflow at a later date. Detail and clarity in your descriptions may be helpful in cutting down on training time for others later. After entering all of this information, below is what you would see:

add-workflow-template-continue-buttonClick the continue button to begin the process of adding Steps for your new Workflow Template.  You’ll see the below (next to the Workflow Details box you just completed):


Note: above and to the right of your Step Details box you’ll see “cancel” and “save workflow template” buttons. “Cancel” will abandon the setup process for your workflow template without saving it. “Save workflow template” will save your work so far and exit out to your main Workflow Templates page. You can then click the Actions menu for your new Workflow Template whenever you’re ready to begin working on setting it up again.

In either case (whether you proceed to add steps from the start or whether you return to it later), let’s take a look at that process.

Before we go any further, we want to provide a little explanation for what we are about to do. We are going to add as many Steps as are necessary to set up the Workflow Template that we need for this particular process. For each Step, we’ll add all of the Tasks necessary to complete the Step. And, for some Steps, we’ll also add possible Outcomes. While Outcomes are not required, they are useful when a Step might have more than one possible Outcome. Note that if you do set up Outcomes for a Step, you must choose between them when completing the Step.

Now, back to our Client Onboarding Process. In the last screenshot above, you’ll see we have “New Step 1” highlighted. We need to give this a name to clarify what it is for. In order to do so, just click inside that box and type over the existing text with your first Step’s name. You can then proceed to set your Target Date.

In the example below (which we’ve already completed), you can see the Step Name, as well as when the Step is due in relation to the Target Date for the Workflow Template:


Here, we’ve given the Step a name that signifies the action to be taken and set up a Due date on which this Step should be completed (13 days before the Workflow’s completion Target Date). You can also add a Description for the Step by clicking the “Add Description” link and then typing in and saving that description.

Note: you can also select one of your Mail Merge templates to be a part of this particular Step in the Workflow, though we didn’t in this case. If you wanted to do so, click the “Add Mail Merge” link, select from the merge templates in your database, and click save.

We can also click “Add Outcome” here if there are multiple possible outcomes for a given step. You probably would need Outcomes for a Step like this, as you might be unable to reach the Client to set up the meeting, meaning that your possible Outcomes would either be A) the Next Step in the Workflow if you reached them or B) circling back to this Step if you have to try again. But, since we haven’t added any additional Steps to the Workflow Template as of yet, we’d need to do that before we can add the Outcome, as if we don’t we can’t select the Next Step for Outcome A. So, we’re going to go ahead and add multiple Steps and Tasks for this Workflow prior to talking more about Outcomes.

Let’s go back to view the Step Details for this first step:


Above, we’ve indicated each of the areas you’ll use when creating the first task for this step. Below, you can see these same fields with data entered for each of them:


We’ve given the task a Name, an Owner (in this case a Team in our database called “Client Service Team”) and a Description.  After clicking the “add task” button toward the bottom, we’d then see the page update like the below:


Now what we are seeing is our Step 1 information at the top, our Task 1 information that we’ve entered in the middle, and an opportunity to add more tasks for this step as well as altogether new steps at the bottom. We can continue on from here adding the rest of the Steps and their associated Tasks for the rest of our Workflow Template. Just remember: each Step must have at least one Task associated with it.

After adding two Tasks for this Step 1, this might appear as the below:


If you look in the Owner area, you’ll see that the first task is assigned to a database team. The second one is assigned to a database role (CSA). What this means is that whenever you attach this Workflow Template to a contact, that second task will be assigned to whomever has been assigned the role of CSA for that contact.

Now, we’re going to go ahead and add multiple Steps and Tasks for this Workflow, though we’ll only give them generic names for demo purposes. When done that might look like the below:


Now we have a Workflow Template with 3 Steps, the first and last of which each have 2 Tasks, the second which has 3 tasks. Let’s say we want to add Outcomes for Step 1. To do so, we’ll click the “Add Outcome” link for that Step and we’d see the below:


outcome-for-step-1We’ve already completed the one above, indicating what happened in the Outcome Name field and the Next Step in its field. In this case, the outcome is that we were unable to reach the client to set up the meeting so our Next Step will be repeating this step again. Your available Next Steps in this field will always be the Steps that you’ve created for the Workflow along with an option to “COMPLETE WORKFLOW”. Just click the “save” button to add the outcome for the step.

You’d then add a second outcome for what occurs if you are successful in setting up the meeting. Since we only used generic names for the rest of the Steps in this Workflow Template, we’ll say that the Next Step were this to happen would be Step B. After adding both of these possible Outcomes (and you can have more than two), this Step would look like the below:


In the highlighted area above, you can see that two possible outcomes now exist for the step along with what happens in the Workflow next should you select one of those outcomes. You can also see that you can add additional outcomes for the step in the future or delete any previously established outcomes should the need arise to.

Four final items to note here about setting up your Workflow Templates:

1. A directional symbol appears next to each Step and Task in your Template when you hover your cursor over that Step’s or Task’s header row:


You can click, drag and drop these to rearrange the order of your Workflow Template Steps and/or Tasks, should that be necessary.

2. To the right of that directional symbol and available for every Step and Task regardless of whether or not you are hovering over its header, you’ll see a marker pointing down (as in the example above) or to the right. The purpose of this marker is to allow you to collapse (or expand) a Step’s or a Task’s details for less distraction on the page when working in a given area. You’ll know a Step’s or a Task’s details are collapsed when that marker is pointing to the right, as they all are in the example below:


3. Once you have set your Workflow Template to Active, you can begin attaching it to individuals, groups of contacts, Opportunities or Seminars for use.

4. Workflows are process driven. When you assign a workflow with multiple steps, you will only see the current process step pending completion. The rationale behind this is that with workflows the result of each step determines what needs to be done next.

Additional Workflow Resources

Below are links to some more resources we’ve put together to assist you when working with Workflows in Redtail CRM:

Workflow Video Series

Sample Workflow Templates

How to Restore Deleted Workflow Templates

How to Clone Workflow Templates

How do I Attach Workflows to Contacts in Bulk


In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Managing Database Account Lists in Redtail CRM.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!


Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Workflow Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: Manage Note Templates Tue, 16 Aug 2022 18:35:33 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can build and use Note Templates in Redtail.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Note Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Note Templates.

Redtail CRM provides you with the ability to create Note Templates, allowing you to pre-define many of the default field values as well as any formulaic descriptive text for types of Notes that are typically handled in a similar manner. Going forward, you’ll be able to select from any Note Templates you’ve established whenever you’re creating a new Note.

Note Templates offer you a streamlined method for ensuring a certain level of consistency for specific types of Notes; this can be particularly useful if you have multiple staff members adding the same types of Notes and would like the formatting and content of those Notes to follow a more uniform pattern.

Creating and Using Note Templates in Redtail CRM

To begin setting up a Note Template, select Manage Your Account after clicking your Name from the Top Right Menu within Redtail:

manage your account selection

Then, click “Note Templates” in the Manage Templates area:

select note templates

You’ll then see existing Note Templates in your database (if any):

Click “new” and you’ll arrive at the area where you can begin setting up your Template:

Click "new" and you'll arrive at the modal where you can begin setting up your Template:

  • Name – whatever you enter here will serve as the name of the Note Template. Be very descriptive here, as you need to be able to distinguish between your Note Templates when selecting one during the Note creation process.
  • Body – if you are creating a Note Template where much of the text will be formulaic, i.e., the same every time you use this Note Template, you can go ahead and enter that text here – that way you won’t need to retype it whenever using this Note Template. As but one example, for client review meetings, you could have a Note Template with questions you would typically cover pre-filled in the Body of the Note Template. This gives you a roadmap to help you cover all your intended bases, but it doesn’t limit you from adding additional materials into the note when you’re working with it. It’s editable until you save it so you can always remove items that are not covered or are not applicable to a particular client.
  • Category – choose from one of your CRM’s system or custom Activities and Notes Categories. Note: there is a “filter” option above your Templates that will allow you to filter which Note Templates you are viewing by Category, should you desire.
  • Create Follow-up Activity box – if entry of this type of Note usually requires a Follow-up Activity, check off this box for the template. That way, when you use this template going forward, after saving your Note you’ll automatically be directed to create that follow-up activity.
  • Notify user and Notify team – If a specific database user or team should always be notified when a Note is created using this template, you can indicate which user or team that should be here.

Note: for all of the fields above (other than the Name), you can edit these on-the-fly when actually using a Template to create a Note. A completed Note Template to handle 529 Plan inquiries might look something like the below:

save note template

When you’re happy with the information you’ve entered, click “save note template” and it will be available for your use.

Let’s go back to your Note Templates screen before looking at how you would use these to create a Note:

edit note temp



As you can see above, if you click the Actions icon for a Note Template on this page, you can Edit or Delete the template. If you choose the Edit option, you’ll see the same modal that you saw above when adding a new one – of course, it will already be completed. You’ll just need to make any necessary changes and save the template to complete those edits.

Now, let’s take a look at using a Note Template to create a new Note. In this instance, let’s say client Elizabeth Adams called with questions about setting up 529 Plans for her grandsons Jack and Henry. After selecting to add a new note, you’ll see the below:

select note template

As indicated above, the very first option in your Add Note modal is the selection of a Note Template. If you click inside that box, you’ll see all available templates within your database:

If you were to select “529 Plan Inquiry” here, you might see something like the below:

note template selected with highlights

What you’ll find is that all fields that you established a value for in your template (everything highlighted in yellow above) will now be updated here to reflect those values. You can make any changes necessary (such as filling in the blanks in the Note’s body), as well as completing the fields that are not pre-defined from the template, and then click “save note”.

Setting up and using these Note Templates will allow you to save your time for focusing on the elements of Notes that differ (their substance) rather than the elements that remain largely the same.

Sample Note Templates

In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Managing Workflow Templates in Redtail CRM.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Note Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: Manage Mail Merge Templates Fri, 22 Jul 2022 12:53:46 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can build and use Mail Merge Templates in Redtail.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Mail Merge Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Mail Merge Templates.

Redtail CRM provides you with the ability to upload mail merge templates that you can then use as the basis for labels, envelopes, or form letters which automatically pull your desired data from Redtail contact records. These can prove very useful when sending physical mail to large numbers of your clients.

Let’s take a look at the things you need to know in order to put mail merge templates to work for your office in Redtail CRM.

Create And Upload A Mail Merge Template For Use With Redtail

When you’re ready to begin preparing mail merge templates for use with Redtail, it’s a good idea that you become familiar with what fields Redtail supports as available for mail merge documents. In the links at the bottom of this post, we include a link to available Mail Merge Fields in Redtail CRM.

Preparing Your New Mail Merge Template

Open up Microsoft Word and pull up either a blank document or an existing document that you would like to make available as a Mail Merge template.

Date and Time

If you are preparing a letter or some other document and you want to include the date and/or time, be aware that Redtail has no mail merge field for this because Microsoft Word has this function built in as an Insert. Within Microsoft Word, select Date & Time under the Insert menu. You will then see the dialog box below with many available Date and Time formats from which to choose:

Date and Time

Make your selection and click OK.

Adding Mail Merge Fields to your Template

If you’re ready to begin adding Mail Merge Fields to your template, the process is largely the same regardless of the version of Word you are using. The one difference is how you go about getting to the dialog box which allows you to add fields. In older versions of Word, under the Insert menu choose Field. In versions available since 2007, the Field option is available in a dropdown menu under Quick Parts on the Insert menu:

insert merge field

Either way, the dialog box below is what you’ll be working with. Instructions for completing it are below the dialog box:

select merge field

Categories: Choose “Mail Merge” from the dropdown box.
Field Names: Choose “MergeField” from the choices available. Options under Field Properties do not become available until you have performed this step.
Field Properties: In the Field name text box, type in the Merge Field name you want to use (pick from the list of acceptable Field names on Redtail’s Mail Merge Fields document.)
Format: Leave this as “(none).”
Click OK and the dialog box will disappear.

You’ll then see the example below (where we used “Firstname” as our Field name) in your Word document, indicating the Mail Merge Field for First Name is now in your document (along with the verbiage around that merge field:

dear first name

Note: if you wanted to include personalization to a spouse as well if one is present, see instructions here for doing so.

Proceed to add all the Mail Merge Fields that you need in your document. NOTE: It’s important to remember that if you’re adding an address block you should always add all three lines of the address. If a recipient doesn’t have address information that would ordinarily populate the Address 2 field, the spacing will adjust automatically within the document intended for them. If including an address block, it should look like the example below once in your document:

address fields

If you created a Mail Merge Document Template that included a Date & Time, an Address Block and a Salutation addressed to a First Name, the template might look something like the following:

example doc

If this were your document and you were happy with the layout, your next step would be to save the Word document somewhere on your computer so that you can upload it for use within your Redtail account. We recommend creating a folder either on your desktop or somewhere else that you can remember easily and calling the folder something like Mail Merge Document Templates for Redtail. Save your templates to this folder so you can easily find them when attempting to upload to Redtail. Note: You must save the file as a Word 97-2003 Document (*. doc) in order to be able to upload and use it as a mail merge template in Redtail.

Once the document is saved, you can then navigate within your database to Manage Your Account –> Mail Merge Templates.  You’ll then see a library of your current Mail Merge Document Templates, if any.  To the left of each existing template’s name, you’ll find an Actions menu you can click to Edit (Name or Category), Download, or Delete a template. In the Select Files area to the right of your templates, you should see an add files link:

mail merge templates page

Click  Add Files to locate the template file you just saved on your computer. Once you locate that file and click Open, you can then click the “start upload” button.  After upload, the template will be available for your use in your library of current Mail Merge Templates.

Note that you also have a “filter” button that will allow you to filter the Mail Merge Templates you are viewing based upon any Categories you may have assigned to them.

Also, to the right of your Templates is a Templates by Category area, which is a visual representation of your Mail Merge Templates by Category (if you assign Categories to your Templates).

Run a mail merge in Redtail CRM

Here, we’ll look at how you can run merges with these templates for either individuals or groups of contacts.

Mail Merges for Individual Contacts

Go to the record of the individual contact for whom you want to run a mail merge.  Click their Common Tasks icon:

common tasks icon

Select Mail Merge in the resulting modal:

common tasks modal

You’ll then see the below:

mail merge save as note

If you click inside the highlighted area, you’ll see all templates that have been uploaded to your database for mail merge. You can also check off the “Save As Note” box to create a note indicating this mail merge was performed on the client record. Select the Template you want to use and then click Run Mail Merge.

Your merge will run and download to your machine (or, if it is a larger merge job, will be available in your Manage Downloads area once complete). You can then open it up to use as you had intended.

Mail Merges for Multiple Contacts

Mail Merges can be arrived at for groups of contacts in a number of ways, but they all launch finally from the Advanced Search page. So, whether you are working with a group of contacts you have previously tagged or a new group you’ve just queried, in order to run a Mail Merge for them you must do so from the Advanced Search page.

When your group of contacts is on the Advanced Search page, and you’ve selected the records you want to include in the merge, click the Contact Options menu and select Mail Merges:

contact options mail merge

The procedure is then the same as indicated above for individual contacts.

Note: when including a Head of Household and a Spouse in a Mail Merge or Labels, if there is an address marked Primary for the Spouse, that is what will pull for the Spouse. If they don’t have an address designated Primary, the Head of Household’s Primary address will pull for the Spouse as well.


Above, we’ve shared the basics of how to create and upload a mail merge template as well as how to run mail merges for individuals or groups of contacts. Below are links to more Redtail documentation that will assist you with different aspects of using mail merges in Redtail to customize your database and streamline your operations.

How do I address a letter to both spouses when running mail merges?

How do I create Mailing Labels or Envelopes in Redtail?

How do I create custom labels for use with Redtail?

Mail Merge Fields

How do I include database fields in my mail merges if they are not on Redtail’s Mail Merge Fields list?

How do I create and upload a mail merge template for use with Redtail using Word for Mac?

Manage Your Account: Manage Downloads

Sample Mail Merge Name Tag Templates

Sample Mail Merge Card Templates

Sample Mail Merge Letter Templates

Sample Mail Merge Envelope Templates

You can also view a recorded webinar on this topic here.

In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Managing Note Templates in Redtail CRM.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Mail Merge Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: Manage Custom Export Templates Thu, 16 Jun 2022 17:44:35 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can build and use Custom Export Templates in Redtail.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Custom Export Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Custom Export Templates.

Redtail CRM has many Standard Reports built in to your database.  Additionally, there are standard exports and reports available as Result Options on your Advanced Search page.  Still, you may find that none of our default reports or exports contain the exact information that you need to produce in Excel format.  This is where Custom Exports come in handy, as they allow you to handpick the fields within Redtail that you’d like to see in your Exports, and then run those Custom Exports for individual contacts or in bulk.

You can think of Custom Export templates as DIY Reports. While there is no end to the uses you might make of these, one very common usage is in the data cleanup process, as exporting your desired data field(s) for your desired contacts will allow you to quickly determine where data is missing in your CRM or where the style guide conventions you’ve established for specific fields have not been followed. In either case, when you have that information laid out in front of you in Excel, it’s much easier to make bulk updates to correct any issues you see, something we’ll address more fully later in this post.

Let’s take a look at creation and usage of Custom Export Templates in Redtail CRM.

Creating your Custom Export Templates

To begin setting up a Custom Export Template, select Manage Your Account after clicking your Name from the Top Right Menu within Redtail:

manage your account selection

Then, click “Custom Export Templates” in the Manage Templates area:

custom export templates

You’ll then see displayed an alphabetical list of all of the custom exports that have previously been created within your database, along with the dates they were created or updated:

custom export templates list

We’ll cover later how to edit existing custom exports, but first let’s look at how you create new ones and how you actually run an export after creation.

To create a new custom export, click the New button in the top right corner of your Custom Export Templates page.  You’ll then see your Export Builder, a sample portion of which is displayed below:

Custom Export Builder

From this page, you can select each of the fields that you’d like to include in your Custom Export. Note that there is a Custom Export Name box at the very top where you must populate a Name for your Custom Export in order for it to save. Note as well that each section has a “Select” menu in its upper right corner which will allow you to easily select All or None of the fields within a given section.

Once you’ve selected each of the fields you want to include, click Save, which is accessible both above and underneath all of your Field options. You’ll then have an opportunity to drag and drop your selected fields around so that when you run your export the fields display in your Excel file in your desired column order. When satisfied with the field ordering, click Save.  Your Custom Export Template will then be available for your office to use.

Running a Custom Export

So, how do you run one of these exports for a desired group of contacts?  Let’s say that you want to run this export for a Quicklist within your database called “401k Participant”.  After sending this Quicklist to your Advanced Search page and selecting each of the individuals you want included in the export, you can select the export you just created by clicking Custom Exports from the Contact Options menu above your search results:

contact options

After clicking “Custom Exports”, you’ll see an Export Contacts box that will allow you to choose from your Custom Export templates and run the Export:

run custom export

After selecting your export template and clicking Run Custom Export, a download of the export will begin. Once complete, you can then open up the custom export in Microsoft Excel.

Note: we used a Quicklist above as our group of contacts, but it does not matter if you use a Quicklist, a Tag Grouprun a new search or send contacts to your Search page from another report’s results – the aim is to get them on your Advanced Search page so that you can produce your custom export.

Using your Custom Export Template Excel File to Make CRM Updates in Bulk

As mentioned toward the beginning of this post, once you have your desired data in front of you in Excel it’s easy to see missing information on your client records.

If you have a lot to clean up or add and are comfortable working in Excel, we can assist you with getting your updated information back into Redtail CRM. Just note that you’ll need to leave the default first column in its place as it is a unique identifier for each of your clients and will allow us to map everything correctly.

With that in mind, you can update, add, and edit the information in your Excel file for the contacts and save those changes. Then, email letting us know you have a spreadsheet with updated information to be updated. We’ll then send you a secure link to which you can upload your file and we’ll take care of the rest after receiving.

Edit existing Custom Export Template

If you find that a custom export you’ve created needs to be edited, you can go to your main Custom Export Templates page and click “Edit” from the Custom Export’s Actions menu:

edit custom export templates

You’ll then be carried to the Custom Export Builder with all previously selected fields for the export template checked off. You can add or delete as needed and then save your changes to update this custom export template.

If you’d like some ideas to kickstart Contact Data Cleanup within your office, our Training Team has some great tips you might want to view here. You can also view a recorded webinar on this topic here.

In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Managing Mail Merge Templates in Redtail CRM.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Custom Export Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: Manage Automations Thu, 19 May 2022 17:30:16 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can customize and use Automation Templates in Redtail CRM.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Automations appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Automation Templates.

Within Redtail CRM, you have the ability to create Automation Templates for ongoing use by all users of your CRM. Automations allow you to stipulate that if certain Events occur within your database, further Actions will be triggered and happen automatically.

Automation Templates can be built by any of your database users, and, once built, are accessible by all of your database users. Let’s take a look at creation and usage of Automation Templates in Redtail CRM.

Creating your Automation Templates

To begin setting up an Automation Template, select Manage Your Account after clicking your Name from the Top Right Menu within Redtail:

manage your account selection

Then, click “Automation Templates” in the Manage Templates area:

Select Automation Templates

You’ll then see the below (if there are currently no Automation Templates set up in your database):

automation templates page

Click “add” and you’ll arrive at the page where you can begin setting up your Template:

on this event automations tab

Setting up Automation Templates involves four tabs: On This Event, Do This Action, If All Conditions True, and If Any Conditions True.

Above we are looking at the On This Event tab. Here you will provide your Automation Name, the Trigger Event, and a Description of the Automation. I’ve done this in the screenshot below:

general information and event

The Automation Template I’m establishing here will attach our Client Onboarding Workflow to any contacts in our database when their Contact Status is changed to Client. Note that my Automation Name indicates this while my Automation Description spells this out in more detail. These are both freeform text fields.

My Trigger Event was entered by clicking inside that box and selecting from the list of currently available events that can serve as Triggers:

trigger events

I can now go to the next tab, “Do This Action”:

do this action

Here, I’ll select an Action Type, Action Item and Item Value (Note: the available values for the last two will vary dependent upon what you select as your Action Type):

automation action

I selected “Link Workflow from Template” as my Action Type — this removed the Item Value box because all that was needed was for me to then select the Action Item, which is the Workflow within my database that I want to attach as the Action Item. Should you choose one of the other available Action Types, you’d see different options.

I’ll next click the “If All Conditions True” tab and see the below:


new condition

Here is where I’ll select the conditions for the Trigger Event set up on the first tab. I’ll click New Condition and then see the below:

add all conditionsFrom this area, I’ll click inside each box to set my Condition as below:

conditions added

I’ll then click “Add Condition” and see the below:

all conditions must be true

At this point, we’d be ready to create this Automation, using the “Create Automation” button in the bottom right corner. But, should you have an Automation that has additional conditions that should be met prior to going into effect you could add more conditions here first. Or, if you had an Automation that instead should be triggered based upon any of several different conditions being met, you’d instead go to the next tab and add those there.

After clicking “Create Automation”, I’ll be back on my main Automation Templates page and will see the template we just created:


new client onboarding workflow

Clicking the Actions menu to the left of an Automation Template will provide you with options for General Edits (Name, Description, Active or Inactive), Change Automation (edits to any part of the Automation), deleting the Template, or deactivating the template.

Going forward, unless you set the Automation Template to Inactive or delete it from your database, the triggering event you indicated will lead to the action you indicated, based upon the conditions you set for the Automation.

Setting up Automation Templates can lead to huge time savings around many of the common trigger and action items available to choose from in your templates.

If you’d like some ideas to kickstart Automation Template creation within your office, our Training Team has some Sample Automation Templates you might want to view here. You can also view a recorded webinar on this topic here.

In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Managing Custom Export Templates in Redtail CRM.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Automations appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: Manage Activity Templates Thu, 21 Apr 2022 15:53:53 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can customize and use Activity Templates in Redtail CRM.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Activity Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Activity Templates.

Within Redtail CRM, you have the ability to create Activity Templates for ongoing use by all users of your CRM. We like to think of templates as starting points (or head starting points) as they can save you a bunch of clicks and selections when you’re creating something in Redtail that allows you to use templates.

Activity Templates can be built by any of your database users, and, once built, are accessible by all of your database users. Again, their purpose is to make things easier by allowing users who are creating a common activity to have as much data on that activity as is possible pre-filled. It’s also important to note that any of the pre-filled data in an Activity Template can be overridden during the creation of an individual activity using that template, i.e., just because data is pre-filled doesn’t mean you are stuck with it if circumstances warrant a different selection for a given field.

Now, let’s move on to creation and usage of Activity Templates in Redtail CRM.

Creating your Activity Templates

To begin setting up an Activity Template, select Manage Your Account after clicking your Name from the Top Right Menu within Redtail:

manage your account selection

Then, click “Activity Templates” in the Manage Templates area:

select activity templates

You’ll then see existing Activity Templates in your database (if any):

all activity templates

Click “new” and you’ll arrive at the modal where you can begin setting up your Template:

compose activity template

Let’s break down all of the available template fields:

  • Name – whatever you enter here will serve as the name of the activity template. Be very descriptive here, as you (and all users of your database) will need to be able to distinguish between your Activity Templates when selecting one during the activity creation process. If you scroll back up to the existing Activity Templates above, you’ll see that we’ve broken a common activity, Client Meeting Follow-up, down into three separate templates, as some of the details will change based upon how that follow-up occurs.
  • Subject – this will serve as the subject of the activity, and will display on your Calendar and in Activity reports.
  • All Day box – checking this off will set this template to create activities as All Day, rather than timed, events by default.
  • Type – choose from one of your CRM’s system or custom Activity Types. Learn more about creating Activity Types for your CRM here.
  • Category – choose from one of your CRM’s system or custom Activities and Notes Categories. Note: there is a “filter” option above your Templates that will allow you to filter which Activity Templates you are viewing by Category, should you desire. Learn more about creating Activity Categories for your CRM here.
  • Description – You can enter as little or as much as you like here. We recommend entering formulaic text for the type of activity you are creating that will not vary much from instance to instance of this particular sort of activity, leaving room to add the details that will vary. Note as well that you have a formatting bar above your Description box that allows you to format data here in several different ways.
  • Attendees – Select the database user(s) that should be linked by default to activities using this template. Note the “Assign to Current User” checkbox, which, if checked off for the template will automatically link the individual who is using the template as an Attendee when creating an activity.
  • Importance and Priority – select default importance and priority for activities using this template.

Note again: for all of the fields above (other than the Name), you can edit these on-the-fly when actually using a Template to create an activity.

Let’s go back to your Activity Templates screen before looking at how you would use these to create an Activity:

edit or delete an activity template

As you can see above, if you click the Actions icon for an Activity Template on this page, you can Edit or Delete the template. If you choose the Edit option, you’ll see the same modal that you saw above when adding a new one – of course, it will already be completed. You’ll just need to make any necessary changes and save the template to complete those edits.

Using your Activity Templates

Now, let’s take a look at using an Activity Template to create a new Activity. In this instance, let’s say we want to follow-up with client Elizabeth Adams via phone about some outstanding items from a recent meeting. After selecting to add a new activity from Elizabeth’s record, you’ll see the below:

activity template for elizabeth adams

As indicated above, the very first option in your Create Activity modal is the selection of an Activity Template. If you click inside that box, you’ll see all available templates within your database:

available activity templates

If you were to select “Client Meeting Follow-up: Phone Call” here, you might see something like the below:

create and edit option

What you’ll find is that all fields that you established a value for in your template will now be updated here to reflect those values. Also, note the text at the top alerting you that default information has been entered for the activity’s description. If you want to go ahead and take a look at that, or make any additional edits to it, click “create & edit” here, rather than simply clicking “create activity”. You’d then see the new activity’s Details page:

activity details for template

The Description area is highlighted in yellow above, and you can see the default text that was entered as part of the Activity Template. You can make edits to this prior to, during, or after the period when you’re actually carrying out the Activity. Click the “save activity” button to finish creating your activity from the template.

Setting up and using these Activity Templates will allow you to save your time for focusing on the elements of Activities that differ (their substance) rather than the elements that remain largely the same.

If you’d like some ideas to kickstart Activity Template creation within your office, our Training Team has some Sample Activity Templates you might want to view here.

In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Managing Automation Templates in Redtail CRM.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Activity Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: Manage Broadcast Emails and Email Templates Fri, 25 Mar 2022 12:56:41 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can customize Email Templates and Broadcast Emails.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Broadcast Emails and Email Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Broadcast Emails and Email Templates.

Within Redtail CRM, you have the option to bulk send the same email message to multiple contacts at one time, with those emails being sent individually rather than to groups or as CC or BCC emails. Within Redtail these are called Broadcast Emails.

In order to send Broadcast Emails from Redtail CRM, you must first set up your Email Preferences in order that these messages can be routed through your email host for successful delivery. You can see an earlier installment in this series for a walkthrough of setting up these preferences.

You should also be aware that you can establish Email Templates within Redtail CRM to save time on those communications where much of the information to be included in the email will be used again and again.

Here, we’ll first take a look at how you go about establishing your Email Templates. We’ll then turn to the process for sending  and managing Broadcast Emails.

Setting up your Email Templates

You can set up Email Templates within Redtail, allowing you to type up an Email once and then use it as a time-saving starting point going forward for individual or broadcast emails.

To begin setting up an Email Template, select Manage Your Account after clicking your Name from the Top Right Menu within Redtail:

manage your account

Then, click “Email Templates” in the Manage Templates area:

select email templates

You’ll then see existing Email Templates in your database (if any):

available email templates

Click “New” and you’ll arrive at the modal where you can begin setting up your Template:

compose email template

  • Name – whatever you enter here will serve as the name of the email template. This will not be visible to your recipients, but when selecting between templates, their Names are what you will see, so make them
    descriptive enough to make this choice clear.
  • Subject – this will serve as the subject line of the email, and as such it is a field that you should take your time with in hopes of improving the open rate for your emails.
  • Category – choose from one of your CRM’s system or custom Categories, if you’d like to categorize your Email Templates. Note: there is a “filter” option above your Templates that will allow you to filter which
    Email Templates you are viewing by Category, should you desire.
  • Body – this is where you type the body of your email message. You have a formatting bar above the Body that allows you to insert Images or tables and use a number of other formatting options.
  • Add User Signature When Sending – if you check off this option for your template, your signature will automatically pull from whatever you’ve set up for your signature within your Site Preferences.
  • Save Copy as Note – if you check off this option for your template, a copy of the email will be saved as a Note on the record of all recipients to whom the email is delivered.
  • Send User a Copy – if you check off this option for your template, you will receive a copy of the email each time you use it.

Also, you have the ability to personalize your Broadcast Email Templates through the use of acceptable Email Merge Fields in the Body of your email.  Below is a list of those acceptable fields:


As an example, if you wanted your email template to begin with “Dear” as a salutation followed by the first and last name of your contacts, you would enter the following above the rest of the body of your message:

Dear ##Firstname## ##Lastname##,

Then, all of your emails using this template would be addressed to each client using their First and Last Names.

Once you’ve made your entries here, you can click Save Email Template at the bottom and you’re ready to begin using the template.

Let’s go back to your Email Templates screen and look at available actions from that page:

email template actions

As you can see above, if you click the Actions icon for an Email Template on this page, you can Edit or Delete the template. If you choose the Edit option, you’ll see the same modal that you saw above when adding a new one – of course, it will already be completed. You’ll just need to make any necessary changes and save the template to complete those edits.

Sending Broadcast Emails

Let’s now take a look at how you go about sending out a Broadcast Email (accessible from the Contact Options —> Bulk Actions menu on the Advanced Search  page in Redtail CRM after running your search, or sending QuickLists, Tag Groups, or other contacts to your Advanced Search page):

Advanced Search Contact Options


After you have selected the group of Contacts you want to include in your Broadcast Email from the Advanced Search page, you can then click the Broadcast Email option that appears after clicking Bulk Actions, as indicated above:

select broadcast email

This will open a Compose Broadcast Email dialog for you to begin composing your message:

broadcast email modal

1.  Select a Template – this allows you to select an Email Template from your database to use for the Broadcast Email. We covered how to set these templates up above.

2.  From – The From field is the email address that will be displayed to the recipients of your Broadcast Email. You can set this up under Manage Your Account —> Change Site Preferences in the Email
Options section in the SMTP Username field.  Details are here.

3.  To – The To field indicates how many records you selected on the Advanced Search page to include in your Broadcast Email.

4.  Subject – Whatever you type in the Subject line will show up as the Subject of the Broadcast Email for your recipients.

5.  Attachments — you can click Choose Files to then browse your computer or network for files to attach to your Broadcast Email:

Please Note
: Files must be 3MB or smaller to attach to Broadcast Emails. Also, you can attach more than one file but they must be stored in the same location on your computer so that you can attach them at the same time. Otherwise, when you browse to find/attach an attachment stored elsewhere, it will replace those you’ve already attached.

6.  Body– The Body area of your Broadcast Email is where you can create the message you would like to send:

site preference signature

Note that above the text box for entering your message you are provided with some common formatting tools.  You can use these tools to format any of the text you enter into your Message Body.

Additionally, you have the ability to create a standard signature to use in all Broadcast Emails under Manage Your Account –> Change Site Preferences –> Email Options in the Email Signature field.  Once you have set up an Email Signature there, it will automatically populate your Broadcast Emails.  Details are here.

Also, you have the ability to personalize your Broadcast Emails through the use of acceptable Email Merge Fields.  Those fields were covered above in the section on setting up your Email Templates.

As a last note about composing the body of your Message, you can insert images into your Broadcast Emails, as long as the image is available on the web somewhere which will allow you to link to it.  To include an image:

  • Prepare the rest of your message in the Broadcast Email window.
  • Locate the image on the web, wherever you have it stored.  Right-click on the image and select the option that allows you to copy the URL for the image itself.  Depending upon where the image is, this might be accessible by selecting Properties after right-clicking.  Once you’ve located the URL for the image, copy that URL.
  • Then, within your Broadcast Email, click the Insert Image button in the toolbar:insert imageThis will open up an Insert Image modal, where you can then copy the URL for the image you want to include:add image URL
  • Enter the URL for the image in the highlighted area above – you should then see a preview of it in the Preview area above. Then click the OK button.

7.  Send Broadcast Email – Note that there are two selection boxes and three buttons here: Save Copy as Note, Send Me A Copy, CancelSend Broadcast Email and Send Test Broadcast Email:

broadcast email send options
If you select Save Copy as Note, your Broadcast Email will be saved to each contact record to whom it is sent as a Note.

If you select Send Me A Copy, you’ll also receive the Broadcast Email.

If you click Cancel, you will be returned to your Advanced Search results and no Broadcast Email will be sent.

If you click Send Broadcast Email, your email will be sent to all recipients on the list that have an Email  address marked “Primary” within their record.

If you click Send Test Broadcast Email, a copy of the Broadcast Email will be sent to your email address w/o sending to everyone else on this list. This is always a good idea as it allows you to proof the final look of
your Broadcast Email prior to sending it to everyone on your list. Note: you won’t lose your work if you send yourself a test. You can carry on from this same place after doing so.

These are the basics of creating and sending Broadcast Emails within Redtail.

Managing Broadcast Emails

Now, let’s take a quick look at managing your Broadcast Emails within Redtail CRM. To access the area where you can do this, select Manage Your Account:

manage your account


Then, select Manage Broadcast Emails from the Email Management area:

manage broadcast emails


From there you can check the status of both pending and completed Broadcast Emails you have sent from your database. After clicking Manage Broadcast Emails, you’ll first see any pending Broadcast Emails (meaning those which have been queued for delivery, but have not yet completed – typically there won’t be any jobs here unless you are currently in the middle of sending a Broadcast Email):

broadcast email pending

In the above case, there is one Broadcast Email job pending. If you want to see Completed jobs, simply click the Completed tab next to the Queued tab, at which point you’ll see any Broadcast Emails sent over the past 30 days.

What you’ll see for both Pending and Completed jobs are eight columns:

  • Sent On — displays the date and time the Broadcast Email was sent.
  • Subject — displays the Subject Line of the Broadcast Email.
  • Processed — displays the number of emails that have been processed in the job to that point.
  • Succeeded — displays the number of emails that were successfully delivered.
  • Failed — displays the number of recipients whose Broadcast Emails were not delivered successfully.
  • Total — displays the number of all intended recipients (Succeeded number plus Failed number).
  • Status — displays the status of the job, followed by the Processed Count number over the Total Count number).
  • Updated At — displays the date and time of last update for the job. On the Completed page, it will likely be the same as the Date Sent column, though it may not always be the same for larger jobs.

The Actions Menu to the left of each Queued Broadcast Email provides you with an option to view details for the email or Cancel the email:

queued BE options


The Actions Menu to the left of each Completed Broadcast Email provides you with an option to view details for the email, retry a send if the previous attempt failed, or delete the email:

broadcast email history action options

If you click the Details option for one of your completed emails, below is an example of what you might see:

be details

First, you’ll see the Subject and Body of the email itself. To the right of that, you’ll see:

  • Processed Contacts – in the example above, that number is 0. If any of the emails had been successfully sent, you’d see that number here, with those contacts listed below (as they are in the Failed Contacts section beneath). Clicking the “search” button next to Processed Contacts would send any contacts from the Processed Contacts to your Advanced Search page.
  • Failed Contacts – in the example above, that number is 10. You can send those contacts to your Advanced Search page by clicking the “search” button next to Failed Contacts. Clicking a contact’s name in either of these two areas will take you to their Overview page. Hovering over the red information icon in the Failed Contacts area will display a tooltip as to why the email failed to send to them (most likely they don’t have an email address marked “Primary” on their contact record, which is the email address Broadcast Emails send to).


In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Managing Activity Templates in Redtail CRM.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Broadcast Emails and Email Templates appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: Manage Team Notices and Web Links Fri, 11 Feb 2022 14:01:40 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM; here we'll consider how you can customize Team Notices and Web Links.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Team Notices and Web Links appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

You can browse all prior posts in this series here. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can manage Team Notices as well as Web Links.

Manage Team Notices

When logging into your database, the default login page is your Today page (which is otherwise accessible by clicking Today on your Left Menu Bar):

Today Page link

One of the areas you’ll see on your Today page is the Team Notices area:

Team Notices box

Team Notices can be particularly useful if you have multiple database users. You can choose to display whatever type of information you would like within the Team Notices section as well as adding as many of these as you would like. They will display here in a scrolling fashion that refreshes every few seconds, as in the example above.

To add a Team Notice, go to Manage Your Account:

go to team notices

Then, click Manage Team Notices in the Preferences section:

manage team notices

On the resulting page, you will see any existing Team Notices that have been added to your database:

add new team notice

From here, once a Team Notice is no longer needed, you can click the Actions menu to its left to edit or delete the Notice:

edit delete team notice

Or, click the new team notice button to add a new one.  You would then see the below:

completed team notice

We’ve already given this Team Notice a Title and Message for demonstration purposes. You can place whatever types of information you would like in this section.  Note as well that you have formatting options for the Notice itself, should you want to format the text. Then click add team notice.  You’ll then see a list of all of the Team Notices within your database, with your new one reflected there as well:

all team notices plus new one


If you return to your Today page, you’ll see the Team Notice you’ve just added is now a part of the scrolling messages within that area:

New Team Notice added


Manage Web Links

Situations may arise where you’re working on a different machine than the one in your office or a laptop that you commonly use. In those cases, you might not have access to your bookmarks or tabbed browser settings. If, however, you’ve stored common website addresses that you use frequently in this area within Redtail, you wouldn’t have to go digging for them. They would just be a click away, from the Redtail menu accessible by clicking your name in the upper right corner:

Web links link

After clicking Web Links, you’ll see a list of any web links already set up within your database:

all web links

In our example above, six Web Links have been added to this database. You can add as many as you would like here though.

Let’s say you wanted to add a Web Link for Google Finance. If you go to Google Finance’s home page on the web, you can copy the Link URL directly from their home page. Next, within Redtail’s Web Links area, click the new button in the top right corner (which you can see above). You’d then see the below:

google finance

As we’ve done above, just type in the name you want to use for your Web Link and paste in the URL you copied from that web site. Then, click Add Web Link.

When you next access your Web Links, you should see that Google Finance has been added.

Note: if you ever need to edit or delete a Web Link you’ve set up, just click the Actions menu to that item’s left and choose one of those two actions:

edit delete web link

In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Managing Broadcast Emails in Redtail CRM.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: Manage Team Notices and Web Links appeared first on Redtail Technology.
