activity management Archives - Redtail Technology Thu, 30 Sep 2021 14:37:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 activity management Archives - Redtail Technology 32 32 Manage your CRM: How to customize your Activity Management preferences Thu, 20 May 2021 14:51:39 +0000 Redtail offers you many opportunities to customize your CRM. Here we’ll look at options for customizing your “Activity Management” preferences.

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Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

The CRM preferences we’ll consider in this post fall under the category of “Activity Management”.

Your Activity Management preferences can be accessed and updated from your Preferences page:

preferences-activity management

Below, we’ll take a look at each of these Activity Management preferences and how you might customize them. Note: these options are user-specific, and will take effect in your database only under your login credentials. 

activity management preferences

Prior to considering each of these individually, let’s take a quick look at where you’ll encounter the results of your preferences here when working in your CRM. When creating an Activity in Redtail, the first screen you will see is the below:
add activity

If you compare the highlighted areas in the “Create Activity” image above to the “Activity Management” preferences image immediately preceding it, you’ll see that the preferences indicated there pre-filled some of your data for you when beginning the creation of your activity.

  • “All Day?” is not checked off, because “Default to Create All Day Events” is set to “No” in your preferences.
  • The time between the beginning and ending of the activity is one hour because your “Default Activity Duration” is set to “60 minutes” in your preferences. Note as well that were your “Default to Create All Day Events” preference set to “Yes” that your “Start Time” and “End Time” boxes would be greyed out, as they wouldn’t be applicable for All Day events.
  • The Type is set to “Appointment” and the Category is set to “General Information” because these are your default preference settings for “Default Activity Type” and “Default Activity Category” respectively.

Do bear in mind that these Preference settings are intended to streamline the activity creation process for you. We understand not all of your activities will use every one of these default preferences. You can easily select/deselect the “All Day?” option, select a different Activity Type and/or Category, and change the duration of an Activity when the need arises.

Default to Create All Day Events

Your options here are straightforward: Yes, or No. If you tend to create Activities that don’t require performance at a specific time during the day, you’d likely want to choose “Yes” as your preference. All-Day activities sit at the top of your Calendar, allowing those activities  to function almost like to-do lists that you can check off whenever you accomplish them during the day.

If, on the other hand, a majority of your activity creation is for events that need to occur at a specific time, you’d likely want to choose “No” as your preference.

Default Activity Type

Your options for “Default Activity Type” include a handful of “System Types” as well as any number of Types that your database admins have created within Redtail CRM.

Default Activity Category

Your options for “Default Activity Category” include a handful of “System Categories” as well as any number of Categories that your database admins have created within Redtail CRM. Note: categories created within your database for activities are also the categories you can apply to notes, workflows, and documents.

Default Activity Duration

Three options here: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes. As with all of these preferences, you can adjust them on-the-fly during activity creation, but just choose the one that you believe is closest to the duration for a majority of the activities that you create.

Tips for determining how to set your Activity Management preferences (by taking a look at your historical record of activity creation)

Maybe you’re unsure about what your best options for your default settings here should be. The great thing is you can revisit your Activity Management preferences at any time to make adjustments. But, since having these default settings in place can streamline your processes and save you a lot of time over the long run, it’s best to choose the defaults you actually use the most in order to achieve those efficiencies.

So, if you’re uncertain about how you should set one or more of these defaults, we do have some suggestions that may help you get a handle on that:

  • Visit your Activities by Contact Report. It isn’t tied to your Activity Management preference settings in any way, but it will allow you to get a quick historical view of how you’ve set up your activities in the past in regard to these four preferences.
  • Click the “filter” button for that report, where you’ll then see the below:activities by contact report filters
  • In your Filter Options, set your Start and End Dates far enough apart so you can see a good representative sample of activities created over time. Depending on how much use your office makes of activities that date range will vary.
  • Set Status to “Open and Completed” – this is so you can see all activities within your date range that meet the parameters established by your other filters.
  • Set Activity Types and Activity Categories to “All types selected” and “All categories selected” respectively.
  • For Activity Attendees, you’ll want to change “All users selected” to yourself as well as the other database users for whom you create activities. Remember, these preference settings are for your login only, so they should reflect what your default settings should be.
  • Then, click the “apply filters” button.
  • After your Activities by Contact Report has refreshed to reflect your filter settings, you can then click the “export” button next to your “filter” button.
    export button
  • This will download the data and allow you to open it up in Microsoft Excel, where you can then use Excel’s Data Sort capabilities to sort by either your Type or Category columns to get a better idea of which of each of these you may use the most. Note: you can sort the Activities in the Activities by Contact Report itself by clicking on either (Type or Category) of those headers. This may allow you to make a determination of which you use more of, but, if you have hundreds or thousands of activities in your report this will require scrolling through multiple pages of the report.
  • In order to determine how many All Day activities are in your Excel file, you can use Excel’s Find option to search for “All Day”. When you see the total number, divide it by two (“All Day” is displayed in both the Start Date and End Date columns) and then compare the number you find to the total number of rows in your spreadsheet. If that number is less than half of the number of rows in your Excel file, leave your “Default to Create All Day Events” preference set to “No”.
  • Activity Duration may be a little trickier to determine (unless the majority of your activities are All Day), but you can likely scan through the Start and End Dates in your file to determine whether or not you can get a feel for the most common duration you assign to activities.

Final thoughts: this method of determining how you should set your default Activity Management preferences isn’t foolproof, but it should offer you some guidance. And, if you later feel like one or more of your preferences should be different, it’s very easy to go back into your Preferences and make that change.


In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Calendar Management preferences.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: How to customize your Activity Management preferences appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Redtail CRM Calendar and Activity Management Resources Tue, 20 Oct 2020 11:05:58 +0000 If you have any questions about Redtail activity management or your calendar, check out this resource designed to assist you.

The post Redtail CRM Calendar and Activity Management Resources appeared first on Redtail Technology.


The Redtail Calendar allows you to stay on top of the schedules of everyone in your office. With customizable views and color coding for activity types, you’re able to set up default views for your calendar; you can also override those default views easily when a different view is necessary. Additionally, you can sync your Redtail Calendar to other popular platforms as well as access it via your mobile devices.

Because your Calendar is so important to the success of your business, we have a significant amount of documentation and video help at your disposal 24-7. We’re including links to all of that here, along with a brief description where necessary of what you’ll find at each link.

Additionally, following these links we offer a FAQ for Redtail Activity Management. Initially, we are seeding this with a handful of the most common questions our Redtail Support team receives about activities and the calendar, but we will continue to add to this FAQ over time.

We hope this resource on Activity Management in Redtail will prove useful to you in your efforts to stay on top of your Calendar.

Documentation Links

Documentation Links

The Basics



Sample Templates and “How to Handle” scenarios we’ve put together that make use of Redtail activities

  • Sample Activity Templates – You can use any of the sample activity templates we provide here as a starting point for building your own activity templates!
  • How to Handle Canceled Appointments – It happens too often; your office takes the time to schedule a client appointment just to have them cancel or not show up. Rather than deleting the activity or adjusting the activity for the new or rescheduled meeting, we recommend tracking those cancellations. By using a cancellation process, offices can see where the issues may be coming from. Is it your process or do you have a few frequent offenders?
  • How to Handle Client Reviews  – Redtail can help you execute client reviews efficiently and consistently. Use this playlist on tools and concepts to guide you to a better understanding of how to tackle them in your office! Note that this is just one common way to manage client reviews within Redtail; many offices adapt the process to their own preferences by using a different variation of features.
  • How to Handle Client Onboarding – Congratulations! You’ve just added a new client to your book of business. There is a lot to be done to get your client up and going with your practice. Redtail provides a number of tools to make this transition as efficient as possible.
  • How to Handle Scheduling Appointments – Client reviews aren’t the only time that your office meets with clients. In fact, depending on your sales process, there can be many different types of appointments that are held with prospective clients or clients. Consistently inputting activity information directly results in reporting capabilities.
  • How to Handle Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI) – With the rollout of Regulation Best Interest (or “Reg BI”), it may feel overwhelming navigating through all of the new requirements. As with any situation that involves compliance or auditing, it’s always best to have a process in place. Knowing where to start and what is available to assist in tracking information is always a tricky part of such processes. Redtail has some general recommendations involving new and existing CRM tools for storing your client communication regarding Reg BI.
  • How to Handle a Style Guide – In an advisory business, numerous processes are happening at the same time. With multiple people, tasks, steps, and other items all ongoing at once, it is important for everyone to be on the same page. This is especially important in offices experiencing growth or employee departure, and in offices where employees may “wear many hats”. Building a style guide will get everyone on the same page when it comes to segmenting contacts within the CRM. Redtail recommends starting outside the CRM to find labels and pieces of information that are important to your office so the data can be input with a purpose. Creating a contact and effectively labeling them will allow for later reporting and searching.
  • How to Handle Client Events – Part of the client experience includes providing world-class events for your exclusive clientele. Redtail CRM tracks events from start to finish, keeping all information about leads, prospects, and clients in one central hub.
  • How to Handle Employee Departure – Employee departures may be either incredibly frustrating or for the best. Either way, these are the steps you’ll need to take to remove your ex-employee’s access to the CRM and reassign their responsibilities.


Video / Recorded Webinar Links

  • Redtail Essentials: Activities [35:24] – Scheduling errors are a common mistake that can negatively affect your clients’ experiences. That’s why it’s important that your office take advantage of tracking those to-dos as Activities. By using Activities, you can easily stay on top of your Calendar while also allowing other staff members to see your schedule at a glance.
  • Redtail Essentials: Calendar [26:44] – Do you wish your office was more focused on task collaboration? Do you find that tasks are getting skipped or that appointments are being missed? It could be that you don’t have a central location for all staff to check. That’s why it’s important that your office use a calendar that allows everyone to see quickly what others in the office have scheduled as well as giving them the ability to assign calendar items to others.
  • Redtail Essentials: Retriever Cloud With Office 365 [29:12] – Retriever Cloud is a feature within Redtail CRM which offers true two-way syncing of contacts and activities between Redtail CRM and Office 365. This webinar will show you how you can set up and begin using Retriever Cloud to eliminate redundant data entry and/or scheduling between these two platforms.
  • Redtail Essentials: Retriever Cloud With Google [28:18] – Retriever Cloud is a feature within Redtail CRM that offers true two-way syncing of contacts and activities between Redtail and Google. Join us for this webinar session where we’ll show you how you can set up and begin using Retriever Cloud to eliminate redundant data entry and/or scheduling between these two platforms.
  • Calendar Syncing Series – Part 1 [40:53] – We often hear advisors say their lives are run through their calendars, and, because Redtail is designed to be the beating heart of your business, that makes the Redtail calendar an integral tool in your day-to-day operations. The modern advisor, however, may need access to that calendar across a variety of platforms, depending on their purpose. For Part 1 of our two-part series, we focus on the different ways Redtail has made it possible to sync your calendar, be it to your desktop Outlook, Outlook 365, your Google Calendar, etc.! We’ll also focus on a number of unique benefits that come with using each method and which syncing abilities might best fit your office.
  • Calendar Syncing Series – Part 2 [42:55] – For Part 2 of our two-part series, we shifted our focus toward many of the independent scheduling tools that exist outside of Redtail, as well the different ways you can use them to better provide accurate availability to your clients.
  • Syncing Your Data With Redtail CRM [21:21] – Join us as we cover how you can go about syncing your contacts and calendar information between Redtail CRM and other products, including Outlook, Office 365, Google, and other integrations.


As mentioned above, the initial version of this FAQ will only include the most common questions we receive about Activities and Calendar Management, as reported by members of our Support Team. That said, we’ll expand on the number of questions here over time.

Can I color code Activities on the Calendar by advisor or database user rather than by Activity Type?
At this time, colors can only be assigned to Activity Types. That said, we can recommend a workaround that will allow you to color code by database user. To do so, create individual Activity Types for each user and then you would be able to color code those as you would like.For example, let’s say you have two advisors, Margaret Atwood and Jonathan Lethem, and you’d like to color code their individual appointments, phone calls, and client reviews specific colors. To do so, you would:

Add the following new Activity Types:

Appointment – Margaret Atwood

Appointment – Jonathan Lethem

Phone Call – Margaret Atwood

Phone Call – Jonathan Lethem

Client Review – Margaret Atwood

Client Review- Jonathan Lethem

For more information on adding new Activity Types, see this help documentation.

Then, go to your Calendar, click the Actions menu, and select Change Colors. You can then designate the colors you’d like for each of these six new Activity Types.

Details on how to change Activity Type colors are available in this help documentation.

After establishing these new Activity Types and assigning them a color, going forward you would just need to make sure that everyone using your database knows the appropriate Activity Type to select for each of these.

What is the best way to print Activities in order that all or most of the information associated with the Activity will be included?
You have several options here. First, if you want to print an individual activity for a contact, you can do so from the Activities and Notes area of their Contact Overview. Just click the Actions button for the activity and select Print:print activity
If you would like to print multiple activities, you can do so from the Activities by Contact report. To access the Activities by Contact Report, click the Reports option from your left menu bar to see all of the available standard reports within your database. On the resulting page, your Activities by Contact Report is accessible within the Activity Reports section. After clicking Activities By Contact, your report will open. From there, you can use the Filter button to narrow down your search to the activities you want to print. Then, click the “export” button to download the activities in csv format (which you can print) or the “pdf” button to download a pdf file suitable for printing.

How do I set up a recurring activity to repeat on a quarterly basis?
To demonstrate, let’s say you want to set up a repeating activity that occurs quarterly on the 16th of the months in which it repeats. And, let’s say that begins on October 16th. The below example displays the setup for this:day 16
The important fields in our example in regard to establishing the activity’s recurrence are:
Start Date: in this case, 10/16/2020
Recurrence: Custom
Repeat every: 3
Unit of measurement: month(s)
Repeat Ends: never
Repeat on: Monthly on day 16

You have multiple options to select from in each of these fields, but that’s a quick look at setting up an activity that repeats on a quarterly basis. You can see a lot more detail on your options for setting up repeating activities here.

Our Support Team is always happy to help you troubleshoot this or any other questions you may have about your activities or calendar.

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Redtail CRM Calendar and Activity Management Resources appeared first on Redtail Technology.
