workflow tasks Archives - Redtail Technology Thu, 30 Sep 2021 14:37:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 workflow tasks Archives - Redtail Technology 32 32 Manage your CRM: How to customize your Dashboard Reminders and Searching preferences Fri, 17 Sep 2021 15:53:30 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM. Here we’ll look at options for customizing your “Dashboard Reminders" and "Searching" preferences.

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Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

The CRM preferences we’ll consider in this post fall under two categories: “Dashboard Reminders” and “Searching”. Below, we’ll take a look at each of them and how you might customize them. Note: these options are user-specific, and will take effect in your database only under your login credentials.

Dashboard Reminders preferences

Your Dashboard Reminders preferences can be accessed and updated from your Preferences page:

dashboard reminders

The preferences you set for your Dashboard Reminders control what is displayed by default for you when accessing your Reminders from your Today page:

dashboard reminders

We’ll take a look at that Reminders page itself after we first consider your preference options:

dashboard reminder preferences

Use the Default Reminder View dropdown to select which type of Reminder you’d like to appear as the default on your Today page’s Reminders tab:

default reminder view options

As you can see above, your available options as the default type of Reminder you’d like to see on your Reminders page are Anniversary, Birthday, Account Renewal, Client Review, Account Rider, and Workflow Tasks reminders. We’ve set Birthdays to display as our default reminder.

Use the next four Dashboard Reminders preferences to set up:

  • how many days in advance and how many days past the date that Birthday/Anniversary reminders show up for you
  • how many days in advance and how many days past the date that Client Review reminders show up for you

In our example above, we’ve set Birthday/Anniversary reminders to display 15 days in advance and to disappear 7 days past due. And, we’ve set Client Review reminders to display 45 days in advance and to disappear 7 days past due.

Now, let’s take a look at the Actual Reminders page, which is accessible from two places on the Today page in Redtail CRM:

reminder lnks

After clicking either of those links to your Reminders page, you’d then see your Reminders page, displaying the Reminder type you’ve set as your default (in our example that is Birthdays):

birthday reminders

If you want to temporarily override your preference settings and view a different type of reminder (or all reminders), just click the filter button in the upper right corner:

reminder filters

In the example below, we’ve set the filter to “Show all reminders”:

all reminders and actions menu

What you see above are instances of some of the types of Reminders you might see on this page: Workflow Task Reminders, Account Renewal Reminders, Wedding Anniversary Reminders, Account Rider Reminders, Birthday Reminders, Client Anniversary, and Client Review Reminders. Just remember you can use the Filters button in the top right corner of the Reminders area to choose only one type of Reminder to view at a time.

Clicking the link within any individual reminder will take you to the relevant area within your database to take your desired action based upon the reminder. Or, as in the example above, if you click the Actions menu for a Reminder here you’ll be presented with a quick way of performing common actions with the type of Reminder involved.


Searching preferences

Your Searching preference option is directly beneath your Dashboard Reminders preferences:

Dashboard Reminders preferences Your Dashboard Remi

There is only one preference to select here. Setting Search Auto-Redirect to Yes will take you directly into a contact’s record, if their record is the only one that meets the parameters of a search you’ve just run. If, on the other hand, you set this to No, that one result would be returned on your Advanced Search page.

In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at Email preferences.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: How to customize your Dashboard Reminders and Searching preferences appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Manage your CRM: How to customize your Notification Options preferences Fri, 06 Aug 2021 16:15:06 +0000 Redtail offers many opportunities to customize your CRM. Here we’ll look at options for customizing your “Notification Options” preferences.

The post Manage your CRM: How to customize your Notification Options preferences appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Redtail CRM offers subscribers a ton of opportunities to customize their CRM, both at the individual and at the database level. These opportunities for customization are important because they allow you to set your database preferences and lists up in ways that work the best for both you as an individual as well as for your office. Taken together, these customization options will help drive user adoption and, ultimately, help you streamline your processes while at the same time personalize and improve the client experience your firm provides.

The CRM preferences we’ll consider in this post fall under the category of “Notification Options”.

Your Notification Options preferences can be accessed and updated from your Preferences page:

notification preferences

Below, we’ll take a look at each of these Notification Options preferences and how you might customize them. Note: these options are user-specific, and will take effect in your database only under your login credentials. Also, for all actions, with ANY notification, we DO NOT send a notification if the current user who is doing the action is the user to notify (e.g. if I’m updating an activity assigned to myself).

notification option preferences

These options allow you to control your email notifications for Activities and Workflows.

Activity Email Notifications

In regard to Activities, you can choose whether or not you want to receive an email 1) when you are assigned an Activity, 2) when an Activity you assigned to another database user is completed, or 3) when an Activity for which you are an Attendee has been updated. Do bear in mind though that the Notify Team option available on an Activity’s Details page overrides whatever preferences you may have set:

notify team option

In other words, if another database user chooses to notify a Team that you are a part of about any actions they’ve taken in regard to an Activity using this Notify Team option, you’ll receive the email notification regardless of your individual preferences.

One other item to note here: You’ll sometimes receive email notifications when Notes are created within your database. There are no Preferences for Notes here, i.e., you can’t control anything about which Note notifications show up in your inbox. If you receive a Note notification, it’s because another database user is specifically choosing to notify you or a team you are a part of about that note’s creation:

note notification


Workflow Email Notifications

Workflow email notifications are a little more complex. First, let’s lay out the possible emails one might receive in regard to Workflows as either the Workflow Owner or a Step or Task assignee:

On Workflow Create:

  • to the workflow owner
  • to assignees attached to the first step

On Step Create:

  • to the workflow owner

On Task Create:

  • to the workflow owner
  • to assignee attached to the task

On Workflow Update:

  • to the workflow owner

On Step Update:

  • to the workflow owner

On Task Update:

  • to the workflow owner
  • to the assignee attached to the task

On Workflow Complete:

  • to the workflow owner

On Step Complete:

  • to the workflow owner
  • to all the assignees attached to the task owner for the next step

On Task Complete:

  • to the workflow owner
  • if the person who completed the task isn’t the person who the task is assigned to, notify the assigned task user as well


Now, here are your options in regard to your Preference settings, as either the Workflow Owner or an assignee:

As a workflow owner…

  • would you like to receive created notifications? Y/N
  • would you like to receive updated notifications? Y/N
  • would you like to receive completed notifications? Y/N

As an assignee of a workflow…

  • would you like to receive created notifications? Y/N
  • would you like to receive updated notifications? Y/N
  • would you like to receive completed notifications? Y/N


A REMINDER: For all actions, with ANY notification, we DO NOT send a notification if the current user who is doing the action is the user to notify (e.g. if I’m updating an activity assigned to myself).

Also, if the workflow owner is a member of a database team assigned to a workflow task and someone else from the team marks the task as completed, the workflow owner won’t receive a notification in that case either. Similarly, if the workflow owner is a database team, members of that team will not receive notifications when that team is assigned a workflow task.


After making any changes to these options, click Save Preferences in the upper right corner of the Notification Options widget and your preferences will be saved.


In our next Manage Your CRM series post, we’ll take a look at both Dashboard Reminders and Searching preferences.

As always, if you have any questions along the way as we address these, you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Manage your CRM: How to customize your Notification Options preferences appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Redtail CRM Workflow Resources Tue, 29 Sep 2020 13:16:10 +0000 If you have any questions about Redtail workflows, check out this workflows resource with links to documentation and recorded webinars, as well as an FAQ.

The post Redtail CRM Workflow Resources appeared first on Redtail Technology.


While Workflows may not be the Redtail CRM tool that most new subscribers begin using right out of the gate, they are one of the tools we make available that can have the greatest impact on your office’s productivity and efficiency levels.

That said, they can have a lot of variability in regard to their complexity and purpose. Workflows can be set up for simple, straightforward checklist-like processes or they can involve multiple steps with multiple tasks and outcomes. They can be attached to contacts, seminars, or opportunities. They can be triggered by automations, set up as templates, and cloned as desired to save time when establishing digitized versions of similar processes.

In the end, with your workflows mapped out in Redtail, whether a process is routine or is performed only occasionally, there will be no question about the steps involved or about which team member or members are responsible for each component of a given process.

Because Workflows are so heavily utilized by Redtail subscribers, we have a significant amount of documentation and video help at your disposal 24-7. We’re including links to all of that here, along with a brief description in some cases of what you’ll find at each link.

Additionally, following these links we offer a FAQ for Redtail Workflows. Initially, we are seeding this with a handful of the most common questions our Redtail Support team receives about workflows, but we will continue to add to this FAQ over time.

We hope this resource on Workflows will prove useful to you in your efforts to digitize your processes and achieve greater office efficiencies.

Documentation Links

Documentation Links

The Basics

  • How Do I Set Up Workflow Processes In Redtail? – A step-by-step walkthrough of the process for creating workflow templates in Redtail
  • How Do I Clone Workflow Templates? – Sometimes you’ll have processes that are very similar to one another. The ability to clone an existing workflow template and then make any necessary edits for your new process can often be a huge timesaver, particularly for lengthier, more complex workflow processes. This doc explains the process for cloning a workflow template.
  • Attach Workflows To Your Contacts In Bulk – For a process that involves more than one contact in your database.
  • Workflows – You have a “Workflows” link in your left menu bar in Redtail. This post details where this link takes you, which is, by default, a listing of your active workflows in Redtail. The post goes on to outline all of your available actions from this page.
  • Contact Overview Menu: Workflows – You’ll see another “Workflows” link when you have the “Contact” area of the Left Menu Bar expanded when within a contact record. This link is associated with workflows attached to the contact in question.
  • Contact Overview: Open Workflow Tasks – Open tasks for any workflows attached to a contact show up within the Open Workflow Tasks area of their Contact Overview.
  • Today – Workflow Tasks To Do Today – On your Today page, which is the default screen after logging into Redtail, you have an area that displays your workflow tasks that are due today. This post goes over this section in detail.
  • Today — Reminders – This is an area where you can view your Workflow Task Reminders in the context of other Reminders you might have coming up.
  • Change Site Preferences: Calendar Management – You can also set Workflow Tasks to display on your main Calendar by default. Learn how here.
  • Change Site Preferences: Notification Options – Learn how to control which notifications you receive in regard to workflows.
  • Change Site Preferences: Contact Record Options – Workflow Step notes and workflow summaries can be displayed by default on a contact’s Notes page – learn how to set that default here.
  • Using The Quick Add Option – Here’s a look at your quickest method for initiating workflow creation, either from a template or from scratch.
  • Seminar Management – While this document is primarily focused on the Seminars tool in Redtail, it does cover how you go about linking a workflow to one of your seminars.
  • How Do I Add New Activity, Note, Workflow, Or Document Categories To My Database? – If the default Categories for workflows don’t meet your needs, you can always add more within your database.
  • Manage Your Account: Automations – Automations used in tandem with Workflows can boost your productivity significantly. Learn more about how to create automations here, and how triggering events in an automation can be set up to automatically attach a workflow process to a contact.
  • Redtail Mobile 3.0 (For iOS) – You can view Workflows in Redtail’s free mobile app, and you can view, edit, or complete any Workflow Tasks assigned to you from within the app as well. You can learn more about that in our mobile documentation for iOS here.
  • Redtail Mobile 3.0 (For Android) – You can view Workflows in Redtail’s free mobile app, and you can view, edit, or complete any Workflow Tasks assigned to you from within the app as well. You can learn more about that in our mobile documentation for Android here.


  • Standard Workflow Reports – A Workflow Report and a Workflow Tasks Report are available in Redtail. Learn more about each here.
  • Seminar Workflow Tasks Report – Workflows can be attached to seminars. This provides a reporting option for any tasks associated with those specific workflows.


Sample Templates and Workflow Copies

  • Sample Workflow Templates – You can use any of the sample workflow templates we provide here as a starting point for building your own templates!
  • Sample Automation Templates – As we mentioned above, you can create further efficiencies by combining the use of workflows with the use of automations. We’ve provided here a few sample automation templates that include workflows for your consideration.
  • Loring Ward (Workflows) – Redtail has partnered with Loring Ward to provide some basic workflows that can be copied from a database managed by Loring Ward to anyone that asks for “Loring Ward Workflows”. Learn more here.


Video / Recorded Webinar Links


As mentioned above, the initial version of this FAQ will only include the most common questions we receive about Workflows, as reported by members of our Support Team. That said, we’ll expand on the number of questions here over time.

  • Can I un-complete a completed workflow step?
    Workflow steps cannot be un-completed once marked as complete. Only workflow tasks can be undone (up until the point the step they are a part of is completed). However, if it is a multi-step workflow and the completed step was not the final step (which would close out the workflow), then you can use the outcomes feature to backtrack and accomplish what you are looking to do. This will take several steps (which we’ll outline below), so if you are not concerned with the timestamps on the workflow, you may want to instead just delete/re-add the workflow and complete the steps/tasks up to the point at which you originally meant to stop. If the timestamps are important to the process though, here is what you’d need to do:
    —Click the dropdown for the step after the one you completed by accident and select “Add Outcome”:add outcome— You’ll see the following dialog box. Give your outcome whatever name you want and then select the previous step for the “Next Step” field (“Set up client meeting” would be the previous step in our example):back to step 1— Complete the step you just added the outcome for (Step B). When given the option, select your outcome from the “Step Outcome” field. This will reopen the previous step:complete step— Go back into the drop down menu for the step you just completed (Step B). You will want to select “View Outcomes” and then remove the outcome you just added for this step. This ensures that when you complete the step for real it doesn’t direct you back to the previous step again:delete outcome— The final thing you’ll want to do is to set an outcome for the step you just reopened (“Set up client meeting”, in our example). You’ll want this outcome to take you to the next step in your workflow (“Step B”, in our example) so that the workflow redirects you to that step. This allows you to reactivate that step, clearing out the completion timestamp that was added when you used it to redirect to the previous step.
  • Can I link a document to a workflow?
    This functionality is not currently available in Redtail CRM. If you’d like to receive an email notification if/when it is introduced, you can send an email to inquiring about this capability, at which point your email address will be added to the notification list.
  • Why can’t I complete a workflow?
    Typically if you encounter this situation, it has something to do with the outcomes you’ve established (or haven’t established) for your steps on the workflow. If you review those, you’ll likely find the issue. That said, our Support Team is always happy to help you troubleshoot this or any other questions you may have about your workflows.
Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Redtail CRM Workflow Resources appeared first on Redtail Technology.

Release Note Focus: Workflows and Contact Favorites added to Redtail Mobile! Mon, 21 Sep 2020 18:57:59 +0000 You can now access, edit, and/or complete your Workflow Tasks in Redtail Mobile. We've also added contact favorite visibility in the app.

The post Release Note Focus: Workflows and Contact Favorites added to Redtail Mobile! appeared first on Redtail Technology.


Workflows are now accessible in Redtail Mobile!

You’ll now see a link to Workflows from your navigation menu in Redtail Mobile:

workflows from menuFrom that main Workflows page, you can also click the “My Tasks” tab to access your Workflow Tasks:

my tasks tab for workflows

From there, you can view, edit, or complete any Workflow Tasks assigned to you.

Contact Favorites now visible in the app too!

In June of this year, we added the ability to “favorite” contacts within your database (read more about that here). Now, you can see an indicator of your Favorite Contacts within the app as well:

favorite contacts in app

Note that you can use the icons at the bottom of your Contacts page to switch between viewing your Favorite contacts, your Contacts A-Z list, or a list of your Recently Viewed Contacts. You can also now set your preference between Favorites, Contacts A-Z, and Recently Viewed as the default view for your Contacts screen from your Settings & Preferences screen in the app.

Additionally, the “favorite” icon will display on each of these screens, as well as on the individual contact record screen next to a contact’s name.

Quick access to contact records from Seminar Attendees list

Finally, tapping a Seminar Attendee’s name will now take you to their contact record within the app.

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.

The post Release Note Focus: Workflows and Contact Favorites added to Redtail Mobile! appeared first on Redtail Technology.
